Tyrone Cheerleaders Place Second at Altoona Competition
The Tyrone Competition Cheerleaders brought home a surprising second place at their first competition of the season last weekend in Altoona.
Competing against Bishop Guilfoyle, and Altoona, the girls weren’t expecting to place at all. The Tyrone coaches initially told the team that they had been entered as a exhibition squad, which means they could not place.
“It was too late to change them from competing to exhibition but we choose to not tell them until after they were done performing,” said assistant competition coach Kera Patton. “They were very pleased by their performance, as were we. It was a great start to the season….[The coaches] are very proud of them,” said Patton.
The girls were excited to have a good start to their competition season.
“Going into the competition we all thought we were exhibition. In a way, this helped out because [it took the pressure off] and we performed our hearts out and gave it our all. Being that it was our first competition, I believe it could not have gone better and I’m excited for this team to grow and achieve great things,” says senior Cassie Friday.
Not only was this a great, unexpected opportunity for the girls, the competition was also a heartwarming experience for everyone in attendance because of one special performer. Madison Shura, a seven year old from Bellwood, was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor in May of 2016.
Despite her illness and difficult treatments, Maddie is very passionate about cheerleading. She and the Bellwood East-Antis Cheerleaders performed in the competition as exhibition for the public, and to show their routine for Maddie.
Everyone was touched by her performance. The first place Bishop Guilfoyle Marauder squad even donated their first place trophy to Maddie.
“It ‘s beautiful to see such an amazing person get what she deserves. All eyes were on her while she enjoyed being a princess,” said senior Makayla Ritchey.
The cheerleaders have been practicing on their routine and adding on the difficulty for the upcoming competition this weekend at Bald Eagle Area for District Prep.

Staff writer sophomore Haylee Blowers is in her first year as a part of the Eagle Eye team. Haylee is a cheerleader on Tyrone’s finest varsity cheerleading...