Tyrone Boys Soccer Falls to Dubois
Nathan Walk clearing the ball.
DuBois boys soccer proved to be too much for the Golden Eagles, who lost 5-1 in a tough road game on September 14.
In the first half it was clear that Tyrone was not on its best game. Chances were limited by a tough DuBois defense.
Tyrone was able to score one goal by senior Corey Johnston on a break away but Dubois answered, netting four goals in the first half.
“We need to finish the ball if we want to be a lethal team. We have to have a better first touch,” said assistant coach Kyle Bartlett.
The Eagles were being outplayed by Dubois which led to 4-1 lead going into halftime.
“I felt as if we were asleep the first half. Every ball we played they were already there and most importantly we were flat footed,” said junior Mason Thomas, “The second half however coach made changes and every person that got put in realized there job and performed at an extraordinary high level only giving up one goal. It shouldn’t take 40 minutes for us to wake up, we have to execute 100% of the time.”
At halftime the Eagles attempted to fix their mistakes and refocus for the second half.
In the second half Tyrone applied what they talked about at halftime, and started to play better and all around. Although they did not manage to score, they only gave up one goal making the end result 5-1.
“If we played how we did in the second half of the Penns Valley game it would have been different,” said Bartlett.

Brayden Sloss is a senior at Tyrone Area High School and this is his 4th year in Eagle Eye. He plays on the Varsity Tyrone Soccer. In Brayden's spare time...