Tyrone Area FFA celebrates 2014 National FFA Week, February 15-22
FFA member Josh Rorabaugh speaks with TAHS staff member Becky Scheckengost about the animals that come through the program. Currently students are raising chicks and an Iguana.
The Tyrone Area FFA Chapter in Tyrone, PA kicked off their celebration of National FFA Week, Feb. 15-22.
This year’s theme is “Ignite” and embraces more than 80 years of FFA traditions while looking forward to the organization’s future. More than half a million members will participate in National FFA Week activities at local, state and national levels.
Designated as National FFA Week in 1947, this year’s celebration runs from Saturday to Saturday. FFA Week gives its members an opportunity to educate the public about agriculture.
During the week, chapters conduct a variety of activities to help others in their school and community learn about FFA and agricultural education.
Tyrone Area FFA Chapter started their celebration of National FFA Week by hosting a teacher appreciation snack break for all teachers and staff at Tyrone Area High and Middle School.
On Saturday, members set up a table at Tractor Supply Company in Altoona. Members sold baked goods, assisted patrons by carrying their purchases to their vehicles, and even worked alongside of TSC employees on daily tasks.
The celebration will continue with a special check presentation on Tuesday, February 18 followed by dinner with a State FFA Officer at the Huntingdon HOSS’s, Wednesday, February 19 members and supporters are encouraged to wear FFA apparel to show their pride in the FFA Organizations.
Thursday, February 20th members will have a social night of bowling.
Friday, February 21st will test the skills of agricultural education students as they participate in a variety of contests focused on agriculture, and finally 9 members will travel with Mrs. Hoy to Harrisburg for ACES Leadership Conference.
Today’s FFA members are the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. Through agricultural and hands-on learning, they are preparing for more than 300 career opportunities in the food, fiber and natural resources industry.
National FFA Week is sponsored by Tractor Supply Company as a special project of the National FFA Foundation.