Irons Leads Tyrone at the 45th Annual Igloo Track and Field Meet
Mackenzie Latchford
Tyrone Track and Field kicked off their season Saturday at Mansion Park in Altoona for the 45th annual Igloo Invitational Track and Field Meet.
Athletes from 28 different schools competed in the popular invitational meet. Expectations were high and Tyrone delivered with 12 ribbon winners including a first-place finish by junior Reagan Irons in the high jump with a height of 5 ft even.
Irons also placed 3rd in the triple jump at 34ft 1.24in.
Senior Natalie Saltsgiver also placed 5th in the high jump at 4ft 8in.
The 4×100 team of Eva Toth, McKenzie Latchford, Natalie Saltsgiver, and Reagan Irons ran a time of 52.53 seconds and secured 4th place.
Being a part of the 4×100 winning team was just one of Mckenzie’s three ribbons on the day she also took 7th place in the 100-meter dash(13.13sec) and 3rd in the 200-meter dash(27.30sec). Rebecca Lewis also placed 6th in the 400-meter dash with a time of 1.03.39.
On the boy’s side, Kolten Miller placed 8th in the 100-meter dash with a time of 11.79 and 6th in the 200-meter dash with a time of 24.19 seconds.
Jake Johnson tied for 9th in the high jump at 5ft 8in. Keegan Gwinn also placed 7th in the javelin with a throw of 144ft 2in.
Lastly for the boys, the 4×100 team made up of Deegan Baldauf, Kolten Miller, Brady Ronan, and Andrew Weaver with a time of 45.89 seconds earned 6th place.
A–Altoona; BEA–Bald Eagle Area; BD–Bedford; BA–Bellwood-Antis; BC–Bishop Carroll; CL–Clearfield; CO–Coudersport; EC–Elk County Catholic; FL–Fort Leboeuf; GR–Grier School; HO–Hollidaysburg; HC–Homer-Center; HU–Huntingdon; JN–Johnsonburg; JV–Juniata Valley; KN–Kane; KA–Kiski Area; MC–Mifflin County; NH–North Hills; PC–Penn Cambria; PV–Penns Valley; PM–Plum; PL–Purchase Line; RV–Riverview; ST–Salisbury Township; SO–Somerset; SC–State College; TY–Tyrone
100 dash: 1, Friedenberger, A, 11.39; 2, Harris, FL, 11.47; 3, Frank, HO, 11.55; 4, Weber, BD, 11.60; 5, Hardison, A, 11.68; 6, Buonaccorsi, HU, 11.72.
200 dash: 1, Weber, BD, 23.30; 2, Bell, KN, 23.60; 3, Harris, FL, 23.79; 4, Mallon, BA, 23.96; 5, Kline, CL, 24.03; 6, Miller, TY, 24.19.
400 dash: 1, Bell, KN, 52.56; 2, Yarnell, HO, 53.73; 3, Wyland, HO, 54.28; 4, Good, PV, 54.57; 5, Keen, BA, 54.76; 6, Abdul-Hamid, SC, 54.98.
800 run: 1, Adams, SC, 1:58.22; 2, Staniar, SC, 2:00.02; 3, Dinant, SC, 2:00.06; 4, Bauer, RV, 2:01.94; 5, Giordano, KA, 2:02.32; 6, Boutiller, A, 2:02.66.
1600 run: 1, Dinant, SC, 4:25.23; 2, Endres, SC, 4:37.75; 3, Sherry, CO, 4:38.74; 4, Rader, HU, 4:39.12; 5, Steele, RV, 4:42.12; 6, Kelley, A, 4:43.44.
3200 run: 1, Endres, SC, 9:53.50; 2, Sherry, CO, 9:57.21; 3, Tzolov, SC, 10:01.29; 4, Schrumpf, FL, 10:08.92; 5, Rader, HU, 10:19.74; 6, Pivirotto, PM, 10:26.38.
110 hurdles: 1, Skinner, FL, 14.97; 2, Kline, CL, 16.01; 3, Williams, A, 16.01; 4, Marinak, PC, 16.02; 5, Sicree, SC, 16.06; 6, Domke, PM, 16.23.
300 hurdles: 1, Lindenberg, SC, 40.60; 2, Skinner, FL, 40.65; 3, Kline, CL, 41.80; 4, Sicree, SC, 42.26; 5, Shawley, BA, 42.50; 6, Patsey, RV, 43.06.
400 relay: 1, Fort Leboeuf, 44.51; 2, Bedford, 44.84; 3, Bellwood-Antis, 45.44; 4, Huntingdon, 45.52; 5, Mifflin County, 45.88; 6, Tyrone, 45.89.
1600 relay: 1, State College, 3:29.22; 2, Altoona, 3:37.85; 3, Penn Cambria, 3:39.60; 4, Hollidaysburg, 3:40.55; 5, Bedford, 3:43.49; 6, Kane, 3:45.57.
3200 relay: 1, Altoona, 8:20.15; 2, State College, 8:40.97; 3, Riverview, 8:41.52; 4, Mifflin County, 8:43.85; 5, Hollidaysburg, 8:54.12; 6, Kiski Area, 9:12.96.
High jump: 1, Bleam, ST, 6-0; 2, B. Adams, A, 6-0; 3, Braucht, PV, 5-10; 4, Kauffman, MC, 5-10; 5, Davis, FL, 5-10; 6, Marinak, PC, 5-10.
Long jump: 1, J. Adams, A, 23-8.5; 2, Wert, MC, 21-5.5; 3, McDermott, PC, 21-5.25; 4, Lundeen, KN, 21-0.5; 5, Zampogna, KN, 20-10; 6, DeLattre, HO, 20-9.5.
Triple jump: 1, Zampogna, KN, 44-0.5; 2, B. Adams, A, 43-4; 3, Wert, MC, 43-3.25; 4, DAvis, FL, 43-1.25; 5, Irvin, BEA, 42-2.5; 6, McDermott, PC, 41-8.25.
Shot put: 1, Stroup, A, 49-9.5; 2, Maher, SC, 47-4.5; 3, Hepler, KA, 43-4.5; 4, Ilnicki, NH, 43-0.5; 5, Spencer, SC, 42-7.5; 6, Harker, BC, 42-5.5.
Discus: 1, Stroup, A, 159-11; 2, Spencer, SC, 144-11; 3, Hepler, KA, 140-10; 4, Maher, SC, 131-1; 5, Crider, KA, 124-6; 6, Bleam, ST, 124-6.
Javelin: 1, Sechler, MC, 181-10; 2, Stroup, A, 176-9; 3, Apodaca, NH, 169-2; 4, Niewinski, PV, 156-7; 5, Lichtinger, FL, 155-10; 6, Elick, PL, 154-2.
Pole vault: 1, Dorefice, SC, 14-3; 2, Lutz, A, 13-6; 3, Yahner, BC, 12-0; 4, Utesch, ST, 12-0; 5, Andrews, BA, 11-6; 6, Wright, HO, 11-0.
100 dash: 1, Rios, SO, 12.31; 2, Long, A, 12.59; 3, Rush, SO, 12.63; 4, Miller, HO, 12.85; 5, Hileman, A, 12.87; 6, Sarver, BD, 12.96.
200 dash: 1, Rios, SO, 25.70; 2, Miller, HO, 26.93; 3, Latchford, TY, 27.30; 4, Sarver, BD, 27.30; 5, Lilly, PC, 27.58; 6, Stauffer, JN, 27.82.
400 dash: 1, Poindexter, SC, 1:01.58; 2, Yoder, MC, 1:02.09; 3, Moyer, HO, 1:02.09; 4, Bender, CL, 1:03.04; 5, Miller, KA, 1:03.14; 6, Lewis, TY, 1:03.39.
800 run: 1, Cubbison, MC, 2:23.22; 2, Koncosky, SC, 2:28.87; 3, Stitzer, PV, 2:30.43; 4, Wilber, A, 2:31.51; 5, Clayton, HO, 2:32.01; 6, Sullivan, KA, 2:33.04.
1600 run: 1, Cubbison, MC, 5:08.82; 2, Morningstar, SC, 5:15.81; 3, Hess, JV, 5:28.03; 4, Lovrich, BA, 5:33.55; 5, Durn, PV, 5:40.50; 6, Bigger, SC, 5:42.05.
3200 run: 1, Kwasnica, SC, 11:37.08; 2, Devan, SC, 11:41.28; 3, Manfred, GR, 11:57.47; 4, Hess, JV, 11:58.42; 5, Parson, MC, 12:10.41; 6, Neubert, EC, 12:19.02
100 hurdles: 1, Kravetz, A, 16.27; 2, Tate, SC, 16.71; 3, (tie), Huston, FL, and Becker, BD, 16.81; 5, Corritore, FL, 17.68; 6, Bender, CL, 18.07.
300 hurdles: 1, Becker, BD, 47.62; 2, Kravetz, A, 47.67; 3, Huston, FL, 50.87; 4, Burk, HO, 51.21; 5, Tate, SC, 52.60; 6, Corritore, FL, 52.60.
400 relay: 1, Altoona, 50.20; 2, Somerset, 50.97; 3, Bedford, 52.03; 4, Tyrone, 52.53; 5, Plum, 53.57; 6, Huntingdon, 53.82.
1600 relay: 1, Altoona, 4:15.32; 2, Kiski Area, 4:19.90; 3, Hollidaysburg, 4:21.47; 4, Bedford, 4:22.63; 5, Mifflin County, 4:24.67; 6, Plum, 4:30.85.
3200 relay: 1, Kiski Area, 10:28.43; 2, Hollidaysburg, 10:32.15; 3, Altoona, 10:40.52; 4, Elk County Catholic, 10:40.88; 5, Bedford, 11:06.76; 6, Plum, 11:20.42.
High jump: 1, Irons, TY, 5-0; 2, Lippincott, BD, 5-0; 3, Upcraft, PV, 4-10; 4, Grieg, BEA, 4-8; 5, Saltsgiver, TY, 4-8; 6, Evertt, HO, 4-8.
Long jump: 1, Mullin, SC, 18-11.75; 2, Rios, SO, 18-6.25; 3, Rush, SO, 17-8; 4, Miller, HO, 16-11.5; 5, Long, A, 16-10.75; 6, Abraham, RV, 16-6.25.
Triple jump: 1, Mullin, SC, 38-0.75; 2, Rush, SO, 34-3.5; 3, Irons, TY, 34-1.25; 4, Yoder, MC, 33-10; 5, Mark, HU, 33-10; 6, Conklin, KN, 33-9.
Shot put: 1, Friedman, FL, 37-6.5; 2, Sharp, HC, 35-5; 3, Newton, EC, 33-10; 4, Geci, EC, 33-7.5; 5, Martz, BD, 33-7; 6, Bumberger, HO, 31-4.5.
Discus: 1, Sharp, HC, 124-11; 2, Lindberg, JN, 107-0; 3, Garcia, SC, 100-3; 4, Hepler, KA, 99-9; 5, Dull, A, 97-7; 6, Wasiulewski, FL, 93-3.
Javelin: 1, Friedman, FL, 133-1; 2, Newton, EC, 123-11; 3, Hoover, BEA, 111-5; 4, Dubots-Angood, CO, 107-0; 5, Myers, CO, 101-11; 6, Sherry, JN, 100-11.
Pole vault: 1, Iceland, SC, 10-0; 2, Wilt, HO, 9-6; 3, Beatty, HU, 9-0; 4, Hicks, SC, 8-6; 5, (tie), Steward, SC, and Rolley, HU, 8-6.

Keegan Gwinn is in his first year in Eagle Eye, and is also a senior. His interests and hobbies are golfing, and sports. Plans after high school are to...