Fabria Brower

Wilkinson was highlighted for her commitment to ensure each if her students feels special.

Theresa Wilkinson

 “Ms. Wilkinson is an upbeat and positive personality in our pre-school hallway. Terri strives to teach her students to reach for the stars and reminds them to have fun along the way. Each student that works with Ms. Wilkinson benefits from her high energy and contagious smile!” said Tyrone Elementary School Principal Kristin Musselman.

Eagle Eye: What does working within the Tyrone school district mean to you?

Theresa Wilkinson: Getting to be a part of the Tyrone Area School District means that I have the opportunity to follow my students as they progress through school. I am able to have a connection with the Kindergarten teachers which will help to give my students a leg up next year.  Not many preschool programs are as fortunate as we are to be a part of the school.

EE: How have you gone above and beyond to help your students?

TW: I try and make sure that each child feels special and that coming to school is the best part of their day. I happily, loudly, and positively greet each of my students at the door by name and tell them “I am so happy that you are here today.” I also greet each student I pass in the hallway the same whether they are in my class or not. I make sure to create an engaging, lively classroom that fully incorporates our theme into every part. Lastly, I try and spend a minute or two each day with each of my students and ask them to tell me something good that happened to them recently. Just spending a minute to listen goes a long way to helping your students feel safe and secure.  ​​​

EE: What is your favorite part about working with students?

​​TW: My favorite part about working with my preschool students is the absolute brutal honesty that they give and the completely unique way they look at the world. I am a lifelong learner and I continue to learn from my students each year. They keep me on my toes! I always say that “Pre-K are my people.”

EE: What is the most important part of your job?

TW: The most important part of my job is to make sure that I provide a safe, nurturing, positive learning environment and that I remember that each child is an individual and to celebrate that individuality.  ​

EE: How can other teachers be an inspiration to their students and other members of the community, either within or outside the school?

TW: I think that keeping a positive attitude goes a long way. I believe in leading by example. If I carry myself in a way that is positive, open to learning, willing to admit mistakes, and most importantly learn from those mistakes, then I feel that I am being that type of person I would want to be around. To inspire others beyond leading by example I think it is important to spread kindness like confetti. If you see someone doing something awesome, tell them!  ​

​EE: Who inspired you to become the teacher or staff member you are?

TW: I have been blessed to get to work with some amazing teachers through the years. Lisa Treese and Diana Gildea set the bar pretty high for me many years ago. They demonstrated a love for their students and a love of instilling knowledge that shaped me into the teacher I am today. I am also lucky to work with an amazing team of diverse women in PreK right now. We each bring something different to the table but once we are all there we have a feast!  Lastly, my 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Guarino, saw something in me that I didn’t even know about myself. Her belief in me caused me to believe that there wasn’t anything that I couldn’t do if I believed in myself. This is what I hope to do for my students.