What does it take to really know someone? I believe it takes some time for a bond to occur and you have to spend time in their environment with their families. You have to truly see their personality shine through like the sun shining through during a cloudy day.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to occur in today’s world. People just love to take different personalities no matter how different they are and throw them in a group.
Some editorials talk about how the football players walk around like “Greek gods.” There may be some men that walk the halls and act all tough because they believe they are the best. Just think real quickly about those men you may know and with that time you realize that not only football players walk like they own the halls. Not even a third of the football population does that.
People say how we are treated with more respect. Do you really believe that respect was handed down on a silver platter? Well you’re wrong if you do. All the starting men fought for their spot, all the kids reach a new limit each day, and it is not like the huge lineman across the ball are going to give us an easy day.
I understand that some sports that are newer to Tyrone don’t have the respect that we have and they think they should start with it because they are from here.
Sorry but, you’re wrong again.
When Tyrone football started out we didn’t have much support at all. When the team had first developed they had barely enough people to play and the only fans were their parents. We had to win to earn respect and I believe we developed this school to what it is.
Once again, realize that the team had to win to earn respect! Tyrone football holds two state championships under their belt along with a few runner-ups, regional, and district medals.
Also bear in mind that when it comes to the football funding, that we actually do work as hard as you do to make the money. We walk the streets and sell gold cards before the season. Sure we may have the football booster at our games and the large crowds, but the crowds come because of the great teams we face. People come to see us win and that’s what you have to do to keep a crowd. Soccer has the booster at their field to raise money. I understand they don’t get as much fans but, if they, and other sports, want more fans then harder work needs to occur.
We are treated no better in any environment either. We still go to school, do our homework, and try to the best of our ability to pass. Football players still get detentions or even suspended. Walking around town or even being in public football players may bring more attention, but it has been earned. Ask anyone in the community what helps define Tyrone and the answer will be quite clear. Football is number one.
Caleb Orr • May 16, 2016 at 1:35 pm
I understand that football players deserve respect, but so are the other sports. For example, in the fall, all I ever here on the announcements is Football, which is a good thing, as we should take pride in our sports. However, our soccer team was Conference Champions this year and nothing was said. Almost every year we have pep rallies for football, but any other sports never get the spotlight.
Conner Stroud • Mar 21, 2014 at 9:57 am
Okay. Sure. Your championships bring you respect. The Marching Band has been undefeated for 6 years in a row. We are easily one of the best groups on the entire East Coast. We have over a dozen championship banners. Please. Tell me all about how just working hard gets you the respect you deserve. You clearly have no idea about any of the other programs in this school.
catluva101 • Mar 20, 2014 at 11:29 am
I believe if you want respect, you have to learn to RESPECT other sports as well. What do you think other sports do when they fight for spots? Pick the bad players? No, they EARN it as well
Ryan Fink • May 1, 2013 at 11:22 am
You tell em’ Dakota!
puffkins3456 • Mar 20, 2014 at 11:26 am