Teacher Of The Week: Mr. Gary Aharrah
Mr. Gary Aharrah is an Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, and Advanced life. Mr. Aharrah has always been one to make learning fun. He’s not afraid to crack a joke here and there and make a student’s day better. After years of teaching in the middle school, Aharrah has now moved up to the high school. He takes on a lot of classes and is a very hard worker. Tyrone thanks you Mr. Aharrah. Congrats on being chosen for teacher of the week!
Eagle Eye: Why did you become a teacher?
Gary Aharrah: I’ve always wanted to have a job where you can make an impact. My high school trigonometry teacher inspired me to become a teacher because of his ability to make a difficult subject easy to understand. My hope was that I can help students in the same way he was able to help me.
EE: Why did you choose the subject you teach?
GA: I’ve always been interested in how things work. From an early age, I was always tearing things apart to see how they worked. Biology helps us to examine our bodies and see how all systems function together to accomplish complicated tasks. I really liked the idea of being able to help students make sense of their own selves. I’ve also really enjoyed the ability to incorporate hands-on learning to help simplify difficult concepts.
EE: What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Tyrone?
GA: One of my favorite things about Tyrone is we come together and support one another when things get tough.
EE: What are some of your favorite hobbies and interests?
GA: I really enjoy anything that gets me outside, especially camping, kayaking and riding my motorcycle, and SCUBA diving. My wife and I enjoy spending time with our 135-pound American Mastiff, named Beatrice.
EE: What is some good advice you’ve been given as a teacher?
GA: One thing I have learned early on is that everyone has a story. The current chapter of our story doesn’t determine our future. We have the ability to change our story. The best advice I’ve been given is that everyone deserves a second chance to become a better version of themselves. As teachers, we have the ability to model positive character development for all of our students and to encourage them as they continue to write their own stories.
EE: What’s the hardest part of teaching and why?
GA: The hardest part of teaching for me would be classroom dynamics. Students live in a demanding world and come from a variety of backgrounds. For me, it’s very difficult to see a student struggling to have their basic needs met. Teachers often need to navigate challenging situations while still attempting to meet all of the other students’ needs in the classroom.
EE: What are some jobs held before you got into teaching?
GA: I was an auto mechanic for 6 years at a local dealership, worked at Best Buy selling TVs, and also worked as a Therapeutic Support Staff for students with autism.
EE: What is something that students might be surprised to find out about you?
GA: I have visited Alaska and while I was there I was chased by a Moose.
EE: What’s your favorite movie?
GA: Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail
EE: What is your spirit animal? Why?
GA: I’m not sure…I took a quiz and it said I was a tiger. Tigers embody confidence, strength, and willpower. I would agree I share these characteristics. Tigers know that being “book smart” is not always enough. I feel to be successful you need to have a combination of “book smarts” and general knowledge. The combination of these two helps you analyze a situation and plan your next steps.

Fabria typically publishes the Teacher Of The Week articles here at Tyrone, but outside of her life in the Eagle Eye room, she enjoys spending time out...