TAHS Raises Nearly $2600 for the Panzi Hospital in DRC
The annual Pennies for Panzi fundraiser supports the Panzi Hospital in DRC. The classes who raise the most money and most pennies will receive a prize.
Tyrone High School’s Youth Action Network raised nearly $2600 to support the Panzi Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the 2015-2016 school year, the largest total recorded since Tyrone High School began supporting the hospital in 2009.
“No other high school in the Unites States or anywhere in the world has stepped up in this way on behalf of people in Congo,” said Panzi USA co-founder and Penn State Altoona Professor Dr. Lee Ann De Reus, “The thousands of dollars raised have directly benefited Aire de Jeux, the day care at Panzi Hospital, where moms bring their children while they get medical treatment. The money was used to purchase toys and sporting equipment, fix the sandbox and broken play equipment, and build a functioning bathroom to replace the outhouse. It’s truly remarkable.”
The money was raised over the course of the 2015-2016 school year through several different fundraising activities.
At the start of the year YAN held their annual Golden Eagle Halloween Event, which raised $752 in donations. $376 went to Panzi and the other $376 went to Tyrone’s local Food Bank.
Senior Anslee Walk, the 2015-2016 Homecoming Queen, donated her Homecoming proceeds of $800 to the Panzi Hospital.
Then in February Tyrone Area High School social studies classes competed by raising money for the annual “Pennies for Panzi” event, which raised an additional $1,400.
The Panzi Hospital helps the women and children who are victims of sexual violence in the war torn nation of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The founder of the hospital, Dr. Denis Mukwege, is the recipient of the UN 2008 Human Rights Award and the 2014 Sakharov Prize, and has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
“Dr. De Reus just returned from a meeting with Dr. Denis Mukwege in Philadelphia over Easter weekend. The meeting was attended by an international contingent. While there Dr. De Reus announced that Tyrone High School had just completed another fund raiser for the Panzi Hospital and we got a big round of applause from all those in attendance,” said YAN co-adviser Cummins McNitt, “Each year our school is recognized for our activism and support. I think it is amazing that our small rural high school has an international reputation for our work done on their behalf!”
“The Pennies for Panzi Campaign was created around the kitchen table by my daughter Arianna,” said De Reus, “I introduced the idea to Cummins McNitt who encouraged the Youth Action Network to get involved. Thanks to the compassion and commitment of Mr. McNitt, Tracy Redinger, and Tyrone students, Pennies for Panzi has been a very successful fund raising event for many consecutive years.”

My name's Carly Crofcheck. I've been in the Tyrone Eagle Eye for four years and I'm a Senior at TAHS. Last year I was the Editor in Chief, this year...