TAHS Artist of the Month: Emily Beam

Each month the Eagle Eye will feature a different TAHS student Artist of the Month

Art has been a part of senior Emily Beam’s life as long as she can remember. Beam can recall doing little drawings as a child and being praised for her abilities.

Her talent has really blossomed since her sophomore year when she began taking art class from Mr. Eric Feather. 

“Emily has a natural proclivity for painting and portraiture,” said art teacher Eric Feather, “Emily’s God-given talents are very rare among all of the students I’ve instructed over the years.”

The feeling of admiration is mutual.  According to Beam, her artistic ability has grown a great deal as a result of Feather’s instruction.

“Mr. Feather knows how to explain technique really well, he also gives good constructive criticism and you never get offended by it,” said Beam.

One of Beam’s favorite artists is Leonardo Da Vinci, because he was one of the earliest to study and draw the human form.

“I think the medical drawings are interesting,” said Beam.  

It seems natural that Beam would be drawn to DaVinci’s anatomical drawings because her two main career interests are veterinary medicine or pediatrics.  After high school Emily plans to attend Penn State with a double major in art and biology.

Emily’s favorite works are her portraits. Her favorite medium to work in is oils because of their blending ability for portraits.

Emily gets much of her inspiration and ideas from looking at other artists work online. When searching online for ideas she looks up creative portraits and goes from there.

Emily also admires and gets inspiration from TAHS graduate Lena Walk’s pieces because as she said, they were always “different, well done and creative.”

Emily is currently working on series, which are pieces of art that have something in common, and a study in perspective. The piece she is working on is a portrait from a picture she found online.

Beam’s peers also admire her art because of how well done they are.  I love sitting and watching Emily ‘art’. I can learn a lot about her technique just in five minutes because she’s so into her art,” said Junior Mikayla Ritchey.

“Her art is pure awesomeness. I can’t pick a favorite, they are magnificent.  All of them!” said Senior Erik Ixtepan.