The Tyrone High School cafeteria will add two special items to the menu in March.
The cafeteria will have an avocado and cucumber sushi bar on Tuesday, March 11th, and is planning a stir fry bar later in March.
According to Tyrone’s new Director of Food and Nutrition, Taylor Danko, the idea to serve sushi came from the corporate chefs at The Nutrition Group, the company that manages the TASD cafeterias.
“As a management company, our job is to be innovative and keep up on trends. We have several corporate chiefs who come up with these action stations,” Danko said. “We try to do a different action station in each building every month, but I felt like the high school really needed a turn.”
Students who place a pre-order by March 5 by clicking the form below will be guaranteed sushi, but limited quantities will be available on March 11.
The cost for one roll of sushi is $4.50. A roll will be cut into eight pieces.
Students can CLICK HERE to order or check their TASD email for the link.
As this is a trial run, the rolls will only include cucumber and avocado, but there may be other varieties available at a later date.
The cafeteria will also provide chopsticks and condiments for the sushi, including soy and wasabi.
The cafeteria is also planning a stir fry walk-through station later in March.
The stir fry station will be considered a reimbursable lunch, which is essentially a school meal that meets specific nutritional requirements set by the USDA, so students will not have to pay extra to get the stir fry.