The Voice of the Tyrone Area High School

Tyrone Eagle Eye News

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The Voice of the Tyrone Area High School

Tyrone Eagle Eye News

The Voice of the Tyrone Area High School

Tyrone Eagle Eye News

Student Survey: In-School or After-School Drivers Education Class?

Image courtesy of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

TAHS will offer driver’s education during the school day next year.  It will be a 0.5 credit semester long course. The class will meet for 42 minutes a day for 90 school days (two marking periods).

We are also considering continuing with the after-school option like it ran under Mr. McNitt.

The after school option would be a total of 17 days, 2 hours a day, and 3 days a week for one marking period. It would be 0.25 elective credit if taken after school.

Please tell us your preference by answering the one-question survey below.

NOTE: You must log in with your Google account to take the survey,

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About the Contributor
Evan Chichester
Evan Chichester, News Editor
Evan Chichester is a junior and this will be his first year working in Eagle Eye. Evan is involved in POPS Extension and the Tyrone Boys Soccer Team. He enjoys trying new food, playing soccer, talking with his friends, and singing with his music group. Evan’s plans after high school are to get a business degree or any form of art degree. He hopes that in the future he will be able to own his personal coffee and breakfast cafe. When not in school, he’s always doing something, whether it will be training for his next soccer match or drawing art with some music playing in the background.

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