Throughout her 25-year career at Tyrone Area School District, middle school guidance office administrative assistant Becky Shreckengost has worn more hats than just about anybody in the school district.
In the classroom, Shreckengost has been a reading support paraprofessional at Warriors Mark Elementary, a first grade and a kindergarten classroom paraprofessional at Tyrone Elementary, an austic/life skills support classroom paraprofessional, and the middle and high school yearbook advisor.
Outside the classroom, she spent many years as a technology assistant at TAES, TAMS, and TAHS, helping to keep the school’s computers and other technology up and running. She was also the district’s webmaster and social media manager and served part-time evenings and weekends as a security and event worker for TASD.
Shreckengost began working for the school district in 1995 as a cafeteria aide and playground monitor at Warriors Mark Elementary when her children were students there.
She was at Warrior’s Mark Elementary for two years, took two years off to babysit for a family, and returned to the district as a full-time employee in 1999.
Today, Shreckengost is the welcoming face of the middle school guidance office as the TAMS counselors’ administrative assistant.
Many students visit the middle school guidance office; some even consider it their safe place.
When counselors Matt Kimberlin and April Campbell are busy, Shreckengost is always there with a bright smile, eager to talk to kids about their day.
“Becky is so nice and kind. She helps me when I’m sad. I know I can trust her when I need someone to talk to,” said fifth-grader Sam Patton.
Many former middle school students stop by and say hello at all hours of the school day.
“I come into the office to talk to her because she makes my days better. Mrs. Shreckengost is always happy and cheerful,” freshman Aiden Zaker said.
Middle School Guidance Counselors Matt Kimberlin and April Campbell describe her as a very positive light.
“Her passion for helping students and staff shine very brightly throughout the office,” Kimberlin said.
Shreckengost is a Tyrone native who graduated from TAHS in 1982, the same year as TAHS English teacher Steve Everhart.
According to Schreckengost, of all the different jobs she has had in the school district, being a paraprofessional in the elementary school was her favorite because she loved working with kindergarten students.
Shreckengost has three children who also graduated from Tyrone. She thought her kids would best thrive in the same school she attended.
Shreckengost says that Tyrone has great teachers and coaches who helped her kids be successful in the classroom and in many sports at Tyrone.
Her oldest daughter, Christie, was on the swim team, softball, and track and field teams in high school. After high school, Christie went to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She graduated in 2005 and went on to a successful career as an officer in the Coast Guard. She now works for the town of Leland, North Carolina, as a project manager.
Her son, Bill, played football and track at TAHS. After high school, he attended Williamson Technical School and earned a degree in power plant technology. He is now a plant supervisor in Kansas.
Her youngest daughter, Katy, played softball, track and field, and volleyball at TAHS. After high school, she earned a bachelor’s degree in health science but decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps. She currently works in the Central Administration Office at TASD as a special education administrative assistant.
Shreckengost has had a positive impact on many people’s lives.