Senior Spotlight: Jocelyn Sims

Jocelyn Sims

Eagle Eye: What are your plans after high school?

Jocelyn Sims: I originally planned to go to college for wildlife + fisheries, to become a Game Warden,  but I am taking a year break.

EE: What is your favorite high school memory?

JS: There are many, but one of them would probably be going to District 6 for softball in 2019.

EE: What will you miss most about high school?

JS: I will miss a good bit of people, but I will miss Nate Cisneros, Mercedes Miller, and many others.

EE: Who are your favorite teachers of your school career?

JS: I have favorite teachers, but Mrs. McCreary, Mr. Feather, Mrs. Hoy, and Coach Harker.

EE: What was your favorite class?

JS: I would say Animal Science & Natural Resources and Ecology. Art & Ceramics was fun too.

EE: Are you involved in any extra-curricular activities? If so, what?

JS: Yes, I have been playing softball for 3 years and I used to play soccer for Tyrone.

EE: Have you always been a Golden Eagle? If not, when did you move here?

JS: I have been a Golden Eagle all my life.

EE: Who is your hero in life?

JS: I would have to say anyone who has helped me in life. God, Family, and Friends.

EE: Who is your favorite sports teams?

JS: I would have to say Penn State, Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Pittsburgh Penguins.

EE: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

JS: The craziest thing I’ve ever done was driving like a cop in Altoona, going 50 MPH around every block with the skeert sound because a guy was chasing me. #Copskins