Senior Spotlight: Jessie Sible
Jessie Sible.
Eagle Eye: What are your plans after high school?
Jessie Sible: Go to South Hills Business school for the Medical Assistant Program.
EE: What is your favorite high school memory?
JS: Probably when Gruber about fell walking up the hill last year.
EE: Who will you miss most from high school?
JS: I will miss Cynthia Isenburg!
EE: Who is your favorite teacher of your school career?
JS: Probably Mr. Shedd
EE: What was your favorite class in high school?
JS: 12th grade 5th period math with Mr. Shedd.
EE: Are you involved in any extra- curricular activities?
JS: No.
EE: Have you always been a Golden Eagle? If not, when did you move here?
JS: Yes.
EE: Who is your hero in life?
JS: My gram.
EE: What is your favorite sports team?
JS: The Cowboys.
EE: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

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