Senior Spotlight: Connor Wertz
Connor Wertz
Eagle Eye: What are your plans after high school?
Connor Wertz: “Probably brush my teeth.”
EE: What is your favorite high school memory?
CW: “Chillin’ on Saturday with the boys.”
EE: Mac’s Market or East End? Why?
CW: “Mac’s Market, you uncultured swine. No explanation needed.”
EE: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
CW: “Football, tennis, the boys.”
EE: What will you miss most about high school?
CW: “The boys.”
EE: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
CW: “No, its a guckogg”
EE: What is your favorite non-vulgar word?
CW: “Shenanigans.”
EE: Do you have any advice to underclassmen?
CW: “Yeah… probably.”
EE: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
CW: “Reading my Eagle Eye questionnaire.”
EE: It’s been a long ride, are you ready for it to come to an end just yet and why?
CW: “Ya’ know, yeah kind of, I’m starting to get car sick.”

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Hey bub, I am a senior (Big Cheese, I know) at Tyrone Area High School. Currently, I am a part of the Blair County Young Republican (unofficially) and...