Senior of the Week: Jamal Hicks

EE: What are your plans after high school?

Attend Indiana University of Pennsylvania and double major in Criminology and Accounting

EE: What is your favorite high school memory?

Taking 3rd at districts for wrestling

EE: Who is your favorite teacher of your high school career? Why?

Mrs. Harris because she’s awesome and I have seen her every school day since 5th grade

EE: What was your favorite class?

Mrs. Orlosky’s 1st period class and Mr. Loth’s 7th period class back in 7th grade

EE: What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

Meeting new people

EE: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

Pops, drama club, wrestling, football and rezball

EE: Have you always been a Golden Eagle? If so, how long? And if not, when did you become one?

I was almost a Wolverine in Pittsburgh when I almost went to Woodland Hills, but I moved here when I was 5

EE: What will you miss most about high school?

My beautiful girlfriend, Laney Raquel Romano, and my amazing sisters Tommy and Arian

EE: What is your favorite sports team?

Huston Texans

EE: If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

X-ray vision. There is no specific reason

EE: What is your favorite animal?


EE: What is your favorite food?

I love eating dubs

EE: Advice to underclassmen?

Play sports. It makes your years go by super fast