Senior of the Week: Dan Parker

Nick DelBaggio

Congratulations to the Senior of the Week Dan Parker!

Eagle Eye: What are your plans after high school?

Dan Parker: “Going to Penn State for either Civil or Architectural engineering”

EE: What will you miss most about high school?

DP: “Seeing my friends everyday.”

EE: What was your favorite class//teacher why?

DP: “Mr. Funicelli because he’s my dad and I love him.”

EE: What are you looking forward to after graduation?

DP: “Going to college.”

EE: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

DP: “Hopefully makin’ bank and starting a fam.”

EE: Do you have any advice to underclassmen?

DP: “Hold yourself to a high standard and push yourself.”

EE: What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

DP: “Soccer, Pops, NHS, YAN, Golden Revolution, Board Game Club”

EE: What’s your favorite non vulgar word?

DP: “Livid”

EE: Mac’s Market or East End? Why?

DP: “East End for hoagies, Mac’s for everything else”

EE: What are some of your high school accomplishments?

DP: “No comment”

EE: It’s been a long ride, are you ready for it to come to an end?

DP: “You have no idea.”