Senior of the Week: Brianne Stone
Eagle Eye: What are your plans after high school?
Brianne Stone: Cosmetology
EE: What is your favorite high school memory?
BS: Reward Day
EE: Who is your favorite teacher of your school career?
BS: Mrs. Shaffer
EE: What was your favorite class?
BS: AGMO with Mr. Wilson
EE: What extra-curricular activities are you involved in?
BS: None
EE: Have you always been a Golden Eagle? If not, when did you become one?
BS: Yes
EE: What will you miss most about high school?
BS: Teachers and Friends
EE: What is your favorite sports team?
BS: None
EE: What is your favorite animal?
BS: Dogs
EE: What is your favorite food?
BS: Steak, Pizza, and Chicken Nuggets

Sophomore Seth Parker is in his first year with the Eagle Eye News. He is trying to get more involved in the school by writing and interviewing interesting...