Senior Molly LaPorte caps her high school musical career at the Regional Band Competition
It rare for a young musician central Pennsylvania to have the talent and versatility necessary to participate in both the District Band and District Chorus festivals, but this year Tyrone senior Molly LaPorte did just that, and went even further by also qualifying for the Regional Band competition recently in Altoona.
“Molly is a great musician, horn player and student leader,” said Tyrone Band Director David Hock.
In order to get to District Band students must audition and be chosen. To make a sports analogy, these auditions are just like a playoff game. If you’re good enough, you move on. If not, your season is over.
At her district band audition, LaPorte placed 5th out of 20 eligible French Horn players. After District Band LaPorte had to place high in another audition to get into the Region Band. LaPorte then placed 3rd out of 16 French Horn players. This is just like moving on after a District Championship on their way to states.
At the Region Festival LaPorte had a final audition in order to make it into the State Band Festival. Only the top two players make it to the State Festival. LaPorte placed 10th out of 17 French Horn players, which wasn’t enough to make it to the state level, but is impressive nonetheless.
Although LaPorte did not make the cut to attend the State Band Festival she will cherish her memories at every festival she attended.
“My time participating in PMEA festivals has been such a great experience. I met a lot of friends and made a lot of great memories” LaPorte said.
LaPorte has attended three District band festivals, three Region Band Festivals, and one District Chorus Festival. She is also the Drum Major of the Tyrone Marching Band and a member of POPs Extension, the Tyrone Show Choir.
“Molly has been an invaluable contributor and leader of each of our ensembles and student groups. She will be missed at Tyrone for her great spirit and personality,” said Hock.

Hello! My name is Carrie Vance and I am the Social Media Director for the Eagle Eye. I am a senior at Tyrone High and this is my first year on the Eagle...