Senior health tech students observe open heart surgery in Pittsburgh
The trip was a first for the Tyrone Health Tech program
Eight senior health tech students and their teacher traveled to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh recently to witness something that would probably make most high school seniors nauseous: an open heart surgery.
The Open Heart Observation Program at Allegheny General Hospital has been in place for seven years and provides high school students interested in health care careers the opportunity to observe an open heart surgery and learn about human anatomy, surgical procedures and health care career options.

Coordinated by the Allegheny General Hospital Gerald McGinnis Cardiovascular Institute (CVI), the program has hosted more than 5,000 students from more than 100 high schools and colleges from throughout western and central Pennsylvania.
“This trip teaches students so much. The students were able to review their cardiac anatomy and see it in real life, instead of a book,” said Tyrone health tech teacher Christie Taylor, “They had the opportunity to see how genuine medical professionals interact with one another and see their efforts to save and prolong the patient’s life.”
The operation, performed on a 73 year old man, consisted of the repair of an aortic aneurism, aortic valve replacement, and a bypass of an occluded coronary artery. Unfortunately, because of the length of the surgery the class had to leave before the bypass.
Students view the surgery through an observation window directly over the operation table, which provides a bird’s eye view of the operating table, so all of the details can be seen.
“I really enjoyed this field trip. It showed me what an operating room looks like in real time,” said senior Ivy Bowser.
According to Taylor, Tyrone Heath Tech has never organized a trip like this before but hopes to return again. Each school is scheduled a year prior to their trip, so getting a spot on the calendar takes a lot of planning.
“I think this is a great trip for any student wishing to pursue a career in the medical field. I learned so much just from one visit,” said senior Lauren Patterson.
“I can’t wait for my future in the medical field. This trip made me excited for college and all of the things I will learn,” said senior Lyndsay Greene.
To help the students understand what they were seeing, program coordinators Pat Wolf and Michele Baumgartel observe the surgery with the class. Wolf and Baumgartel provide an overview of the team members in the surgical unit and discuss the anatomy and physiology of the heart while the student’s watch the surgery. They also answer the student’s questions.
“Many students have discovered a passion for medicine while attending this program. I am proud to be a part of a one of a kind opportunity,” said Baumgartel.
The Open Heart Observation Program operates on a school year calendar and work five days a week to accommodate high schools, nursing schools, respiratory schools, and bioengineering schools from September to May. They even have schools visit over the summer.
The program was founded by Dr. George Magovern to stimulate the interest of students to enter the health care professions.
“I find it a great opportunity for students to witness the team atmosphere of a medical team providing surgery. In addition it is also chance for students to see functional anatomy and physiology of a human heart,” said Baumgartel.
Tyrone students who attended this field trip were Lauren Patterson, Izzy McCaulley, Ivy Bowser, Lindsey Kemp, Morgan Wineland, Sierra Morrison, Stephen Garman and Lyndsay Greene.

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