Tyrone students attend 22nd annual Snowball dance
TYRONE, PA Approximately 250 students from Tyrone Area High School attended the 22nd annual Snowball dance on Saturday night, January 18, 2013. The dance was held from 8 p.m. 11 p.m. The dance was held in the school cafeteria, and was decorated appropriately with streamers.
Tyrone students from 9th-12th grade were permitted to attend the dance and students from other schools attended as dates. Chloe Case, freshman at Tyrone said the large amount of people there highly contributed to the fun.
The attire for the dance was “semiformal”. Many students took part in this attire. Girls commonly wore dresses and boys wore dress shirts and ties.
“I think everybody enjoyed dress shopping,” says Lily Williams, freshman. “I didn’t see anyone that looked like a bum [at the dance].”
Student Council sets up the dance, led by Mrs. Martin.
In an email interview, Mrs. Martin said, “[Planning included] buying decorations and snacks before hand. [Student Council] decorated on Friday evening before the dance.”
Student Council members stayed after school to help decorate and set up for the dance.”“Boomerang” was hired to DJ the dance, and is said to be returning for Prom in the Spring. Students gathered in the middle of the room to dance to the music.
Snowball is held every year at Tyrone, around the winter months. There is much anticipation for the underclassmen, because they aren’t permitted to attend the Prom, unless asked by a Junior or Senior.
Cassie Friday, freshman at Tyrone said, “I think it’s fair for the upperclassmen to have their own dance [such as prom], but we are all one student body and I think that we should be allowed to go to [more] dances.”
Amanda Lay, a Senior at Tyrone that did not attend Snowball this year, said that she didn’t go to Snowball this year for many reasonsbecause her boyfriend didn’t want to go, she didn’t feel like spending a lot of money on a dress, and that Prom is much better.
Many students said they had a good time at the dance and many will return next year.
“[I will] most definitely [attend Snowball next year]. It was a good time and had a great atmosphere,” said freshman, Colby Pannebaker.

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