PA Alumni First Year Member Jacket Campaign Impacts Local Students
One of the most iconic symbols of the National FFA Organization is the classic blue and gold corduroy jacket. The jacket provides a tremendous amount of pride as well as opportunity for each and every student in the organization.
There are over 70 members of the Tyrone FFA however only a fraction of them own a FFA jacket.
In conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Farm Show, the Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association is hoping to help 600 students statewide to obtain jackets at the 2016 Mid-Winter Convention.
Krista L. Pontius, a First Year Member Jacket Campaign Chairperson (Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association), contacted the Tyrone Area High School Agriculture educator, Mrs. Hoy, about this exhilarating event. The Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association is asking the community for help to reach this goal. A jacket can be sponsored for $55.00.
“Over the past nine years, the Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association has worked diligently to provide 2,710 Pennsylvania FFA members … with a National Blue and Corn Gold, corduroy jacket. As FFA alumni across the nation know, the blue and gold jacket provides a tremendous amount of pride as well as opportunity for each and every student in the organization,” said Pontius.
If interested, send a check that is payable to:
Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association
c/o Krista Pontius
405 East Sunbury Street, Millerstown, PA 17062.
“Please note that this is a state-wide, competitive program. If you are interested in sponsoring an individual student or chapter, we would ask that you send your sponsorship directly to them,” says Pontius.
The Pennsylvania FFA Alumni secures the promise of the FFA mission and agricultural education. This is done by creating an environment where communities can develop their potential for leadership, personal growth, and career success.
“Thank you for considering this opportunity to help a young FFA member open the door to the possibilities of this tremendous organization! Feel free to contact me at the above information or [email protected] if you have any questions about the First Year Member Jacket Program or the Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association,” said Pontius.

As a second year Eagle Eye staff member and first year News Editor, junior Jaylon Beck seeks to expand Tyrone’s knowledge of their own FFA chapter....