Over 130 Students Nominated for November-December Golden Raffle
In the Nov/Dec raffle, 134 nominations were made by TASD teachers and staff.
The Golden Raffle was back for the Christmas assembly in December with a twist, there were 5 winners instead of 4. The raffle is a monthly event to reward students for being GOLDEN, an acronym created by the Golden Revolution student committee to encourage a positive school climate. However, because of the extended holiday breaks around Thanksgiving and Christmas, the November and December drawings were combined.
GOLDEN stands for Genuine, Optimistic, Leader, Driven, Engaged and/or Neighborly.

The 5 winners, on the top Jack Lewis, Logan Reader to the right, Shyanne Webster below that, Jenna Kemp to the left, and Micah Woomer
Students can be nominated each week by teachers and staff for exemplifying one or more of the GOLDEN characteristics.
The winners are randomly drawn from all the nominations, last month it was drawn at the Christmas assembly. Prizes for November and December were $25 gift cards to local business and popular online retailers. As the names are drawn, the forms are read so that the students know why the winners were nominated.
In November and December 2018, 134 students were nominated for the raffle. The Eagle Eye was able to obtain and analyze all of the nominations made in the two months and found some interesting statistics.
The winners were sophomores Shyanne Webster and Jenna Kemp, and seniors Micah Woomer, Jack Lewis, and Logan Reader.
Sophomore Shyanne Webster was nominated by Mr. David Hock for being responsible and stepping up to help in band.
Sophomore Jenna Kemp was nominated by Miss Chelsea Markel for being motivated and willing to go above and beyond on her Christmas Tree Desmos project.
Senior Micah Woomer was nominated by Mr. Mike Funicelli for bringing Mr. Funicelli a sympathy card and having his friends sign it when a best friend of his passed away.
Senior Jack Lewis was nominated by Mrs. Tiffany Johannides for facilitating the questions and answer session for the Career Expo Day.
Senior Logan Reader was nominated by Ms. Angela Kline for going above and beyond in his co-op job, picking up extra shifts and taking on extra duties.
In total, there were a total of 134 nominations in December, which is an average of just about four nominations per school day.
Each nomination in the November/December raffle had roughly a 1 in 27 chance of winning.
The nominations were made by 32 different teachers and staff members.
The teachers with five or more nominations for the month were Mrs. Smith, Ms. Markel, Ms. Grugan, Mrs. Marasco, Mrs. Johannides, Mr. Wilson, Ms. Kline, Mr. Funicelli, Ms. Cannistraci, and Mr. McNitt.
By grade level, the least nominated class in November and December were the juniors, with 22 nominations.
Next were the sophomores with 27, then the seniors and freshmen both tied for first with 37 nominations.
Girls again outnumbered guys in nominations, but by a smaller margin than last month, with 74 females and 60 males, approximately a 55/45 split.
So what was most likely to get a student nominated for the Golden Raffle in December?
The most common reasons were for academic improvement, followed by a positive attitude. The third reason why people got nominated was for helping to keep the school clean.

The state of the reporter’s desk while sorting and compiling statistics for the Golden Raffle.

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