New school year brings changes to the high school schedule
Students walk to class between the bells
A change to the advisory program has been met with mixed reactions from students at the high school. Instead of having advisory at the beginning of first period, upperclassman now have it at the end. Instead of having advisory eighth period, the freshman now have a 66 minute advisory period every day to complete homework, read, and check grades.
Freshman Nathan Hormell doesn’t enjoy the expanded advisory period in the morning. “I feel like the period is too long. It doesn’t need to be that long,” said Hormell.
Toni Burns, also a freshman, disagrees. “I love having 66 minutes in the morning,” said Burns, ” I get all of my homework done and still have time to socialize with friends.”
Arianna Scheidell, a junior, got used to the change in schedule pretty quickly.“Having advisory after 1st period is weird. I got used to it pretty quickly, and it’s nice to have the extra time if 1st period runs over, or if I have homework.”
The change in advisory has also provoked some complaints from the student body concerning the amount of time they have to travel from class to class. Many students want it changed to four minutes instead of three.
‘“My classes are far apart, and going from the [music] room to the vocational wing is a challenge. I don’t have enough time,” said sophomore Sarah Isenberg. “I can’t carry two binders and four books all at once. My locker is out of the way, and honestly, I walk as fast as I can and I’m still late to class,” said Isenberg, who has been having a difficult time with the bell schedule.
Noah Welsh, a freshman, agrees with Sarah. “I run from period to period and not once have I made it on time. I have to carry three books with me because I don’t have enough time to go to my locker and make it to class on time,” said Welsh.
Bella McCracken also argues that she can’t even use the bathroom. “I have classes all over the building and I can’t use the bathroom or talk to anyone. I just don’t have enough time,” said McCracken.
Some students feel three minutes is enough time, if they don’t socialize with their peers in the hallways. Jeremy Maier, a freshman, is one of these students. “I don’t talk to people I guess. Three minutes is enough time,” said Maier. Aj Grassi, also a freshman, says he has enough time depending on his schedule.
For most students at TAHS, three minutes makes getting to their classes a daily challenge. Others say that there is a time and a place for socialization, and that time is not in the hallways.
Advisory generally seems to help the freshman get their homework in on time and keep their grades up. The upperclassmen seem to have gotten used to the change in scheduling this year, and appreciate the extra time they have to do their homework.

I’m Lily, and I’m a freshman. I play soccer and run cross country and track, and I’ve also been snowboarding for three years. I’m in all honors...