Six Tyrone Eagle Eye staff members traveled to Penn State Altoona in October to compete in the 2024-25 regional Student Journalism Competition sponsored by the Pennsylvania School Press Association.
The results of the competition were not released until all the regional competitions were complete. In late January Eagle Eye photo editor Anna Myers learned that she won first place in the news photography category with the second-highest score in the state for her photo portfolio.
Along with Myers, the other Eagle Eye staff members who competed were Makayla Howard in the news writing category, Tyler Weston in feature writing, Logan Rumberger for podcasts and social media, and Brayden Parsons for sportswriting.

Myers will compete at the state competition at Penn State University Park on April 1, 2025.
The regional competition categories included writing and photography categories for both student newspapers and websites and yearbook categories.
“One of the things that makes high school journalism exciting is the opportunities for students to enter competitions and receive awards for their work,” Eagle Eye Adviser Todd Cammarata said.
This was the Eagle Eye’s first time competing at this annual event. Other local schools in attendance included Altoona, Bellwood, and State College.
“I think this was a really good opportunity to do something different and to lead the Eagle Eye to their first win there,” Myers said. “I was nervous at first doing something competitive like this but I’m glad I got the chance to make new memories and meet new people along the way.”
Myers submitted five of her best photos that she took in the fall in several different categories. The categories were a framing shot, an academic subject, a music subject, a photo that features frozen action, and a “best of show” photo of her choice.
To see Myers winning photos click on the slideshow below:
Eagle Eye Adviser Todd Cammarata knew she had a good chance at regionals based on the great photos she had taken in the first semester.
“Even though Anna hasn’t been taking photos for the Eagle Eye for very long, she has already built up a strong portfolio. Anna has a great eye for photography and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of shots she will submit for the state competition,” Cammarata said.
At states, Anna will compete against students from the other seven regions in Pennsylvania.
“I am excited to have the opportunity to go to the state competition, and I’m glad I get to experience this,” Myers said.
Myers must submit eight new photos and captions for the state competition on April 1. Six of the photos must be taken on April 1 at the competition.