Mrs. Kristen Pinter Named as New Middle School Principal
Kristen Pinter, formally a high school English teacher is now the new middle school principal.
Pinter misses her high school kids and working with her old colleagues the most.
“I did this to try new things at Tyrone Area School District other than being a teacher,” said Pinter.
Pinter is still equally busy as she was as a teacher, but just with different things this time around.
“The Middle School team is great, hardworking, dedicated to each other and to their students; they have also been very supportive of me as the new Middle School principal.”
She taught for 15 years, and enjoyed it, but she was ready for new challenges.
The biggest difference for her is that her schedule is not going to be run by a bell anymore, like it was when she was a teacher.
She became the new principal by applying for it when the position came about, and then later getting accepted for the job.
Mrs. Pinter’s goals for this year are to learn more about her middle school colleagues as teachers, be an instructional leader to support her team, and get as much accomplished this year as possible.