May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week
The week of May 4 to May 8 is National Teacher Appreciation Week. This year was a more than a little unusual with no one being at school due to the coronavirus. At school, students would pick teachers and give them gifts all week long and on Friday the students and teachers would have breakfast.
Teacher Appreciation Week was begun in 1953 by Roosevelt family. It was originally Teacher Appreciation Day on March 7, but was then moved to the first week of May by the National Parent Teacher Association.
During the pandemic, teachers have had to work very hard to prepare work for students all online. This was very new for all of the teachers and students would like to thank them for all of the extra hours they have put in to teach the students.
“I think the teachers and staff are handling the online work task very well and I’m appreciative of their patience in teaching us the lessons,” said junior Nick Lewis.
Many seniors would like to thank their teachers for all of the hard work they have put in to teach them.
“I’m beyond thankful for everything the teachers have done for me throughout my educational journey at Tyrone. All of my teachers have pushed me to become the best person I could be. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to know the teachers at Tyrone and to have grown so much because of them,” said senior Madison Soellner.
“I’d like to thank Mrs. Burket for all she does. Her classes help me realize that I really enjoy history. Now I’m going to college for history. Thank you Mrs. Burket for all you do,” said senior Tyler Beckwith.

Hi! My name is Cate Baran. I'm a senior at Tyrone High. This is my third year of Eagle Eye. I play three sports: softball, swimming, and soccer. Outside...