Local FFA members win public speaking awards
Tyrone Area FFA Members who competed in the Blair County Public Speaking Career Development Event (CDE) on March 24th. Brandon Decker – Conservation, Jamie Lynch – Junior Prepared, Katrina Hagenbuch – Senior Prepared, and Jaylon Beck – FFA Creed.
FFA members from Williamsburg, Central, Bellwood-Antis and Tyrone Area FFA Chapters competed in the Blair County FFA Public Speaking events on March 24th at Tyrone Area High School. Several members of Tyrone’s FFA placed in their events and will move on to the next round of competition.
It has been more than two decades since Tyrone Area High School had a Parliamentary Procedure team, but students from Mrs. Hoy’s Leadership and Communication Course decided to form a team and began training in late December. With the help of Kelsey Henry, an agricultural education students from The Pennsylvania State University, and the students’ drive, they were able to perform well and will go directly to the South-central FFA Regional Competition in late April.
“This is so cool, I really like doing parliamentary procedure,” said FFA member Toni Burns, “It is something I can use the rest of my life,”

Tyrone Area Parliamentary Procedure Team who competed on Tuesday, March 24th – Rt. to Lt. – Toni Burns, Katrina Hagenbuch, Jacob Meyer, Emily Long, Brandon Decker, and Sarah Wilson. The team has qualified for the Southcentral Region Competition on April 28th in near Harrisburg, PA.
Sarah Wilson added, “It was nerve racking, but I like to debate and cannot wait until the next event.”
Tyrone’s Parliamentary Procedure Team consists of Toni Burns, Katrina Hagenbuch, Jacob Meyer (chairperson), Emily Long (recording secretary), Brandon Decker and Sarah Wilson.
Tyrone students also competed in the FFA Creed Event where 1st year members are required to memorize and recite the FFA Creed. After completing their presentation, they must answer questions from each of the judges for no more than five minutes. Tyrone freshman Jaylon Beck placed third and qualified for the area competition on March 31st at Central Cove.
Other students from Tyrone Area FFA Chapter also did well during the evening events.
Freshman Jamie Lynch spoke about Stereotypes in Agriculture and placed 6th overall. This event is open to any agricultural education students enrolled in grades 7-10. The student must write a manuscript based on any topic in agriculture, include sited work, and then present their creation in a 3-5 minute time period. At the conclusion of their speech, they are asked five minutes worth of questions from the judges.
Junior Katrina Hagenbuch placed 3rd for her speech on animal cruelty and has also qualified to compete at the Area competition on Tuesday. The Conservation topic is just like Senior prepared, but student have to select a conservation issue to speak about.
Junior Brandon Decker selected EHD and placed first in his event and will qualify for the next round.
FFA advisor Tiffany Hoy said that she can see the students growing in confidence each week and it has been amazing to watch shy quiet students come out of their shells and start to debate, move motions and make decisions all in a 14 minute competition.

My name's Carly Crofcheck. I've been in the Tyrone Eagle Eye for four years and I'm a Senior at TAHS. Last year I was the Editor in Chief, this year...