When Caleb LaVanish and Mike Mingle first heard that Tyrone would be starting a Unified Bocce Ball team, they were thrilled because it finally allowed them to play on a high school sports team with their peers.
Tyrone coaches Shannon Davis and Sarah Latchford have worked closely with LaVanish and Mingle to hone their bocce ball skills, and are proud of what both seniors have contributed to the team over the past two seasons.
Caleb LaVanish
“Caleb has really taken a leadership role this year in Bocce,” Bocce team coach Shannon Davis said. “He wants to win, he strategizes and helps others. Caleb has made new friends and has stepped up by taking on a lot of responsibilities both on and off the court.”
LaVanish said that he has learned a lot and that bocce has been a great experience.
“It was fun to travel to different schools and play bocce,” LaVanish said, “Playing against Hollidaysburg was my favorite because I got to [play against] the other Hollidaysburg students,” LaVanish said.
LaVanish developed many good relationships with everyone, including his teammates, said his coaches Shannon Davis and Sarah Latchford.
“He [Caleb] is a great partner and brings great energy to the team, and he rolls really good. He’s gotten better throughout the season and he’s one of our best players and he will very much be missed next season,” freshman Cooper Spicer said.
LaVanish said that Spicer has been his biggest inspiration and favorite teammate.
“He [Cooper] taught me a lot with bocce ball and how to throw the ball,” LaVanish said.
Caleb’s mom Angie LaVanish has been a big supporter of her son’s high school accomplishments.
“I am most proud that Caleb is a great friend to everyone he meets. He is kind and always willing to lend a hand. Bocce ball has a positive impact on Caleb. He loves being a part of the team and takes pride in the sport. He looks forward to time with his coaches and teammates,” Angie LaVanish said.
Angie LaVanish was also thankful to Caleb’s teachers and the school district for helping her son throughout his school years.
“Caleb has grown so much during his years at Tyrone High School. He learned skills to prepare him for post-secondary education and employment. He has also learned how to self-advocate for the things that are important to him,” Angie LaVanish said.
When asked what he’s looking forward to, LaVanish is excited to enjoy his last few months of high school with his peers.
LaVanish’s goal after high school is to drive a bus for Raystown Transit Service.
Mike Mingle
Mike Mingle has made also big impact on the bocce ball team this year.
He is a real leader on the team by keeping everyone’s spirits high and having a positive attitude at all times.
Mingle was even named the Eagle Eye Athlete of the Week in December for his game-winning roll against Mount Union in overtime.
“I love bocce ball and I love the different locations we went to,” said Mingle.
Coach Latchford had nothing but good things to say about Mingle.
“I’m proud of Mike for his enthusiasm and energy, which inspires and uplifts the entire team,” said Coach Sarah Latchford.
Mingle’s mom Lisa is also very proud of him.
“Michael has really grown during his high school years by trying his best with his academics. He does not like to make mistakes and if he does, he is all about fixing it. Another area that I see that he has really grown is that the fact that he is so accepting of other students. Michael does not see a difference in anybody. He has grown to be more responsible, and he takes his jobs and education very seriously,” said Lisa Mingle.
Junior teammate Piper Myers has really enjoyed getting to know Mingle and the other students on the Bocce Team.
“His [Mike’s] excitement every time he rolled a ball or any time there was a huge crowd,” Myers said.
Participating in a varsity sport has had a huge impact on Mike’s confidence and social skills, said Lisa Mingle.
“Bocce ball has positively impacted Michael by learning what it’s like to be a teammate. Michael never had the opportunity to be a part of a team or even an equipment manager because of his autism. No coach has ever reached out to him to be a part of their team. He has learned how to win and how to lose and learn sportsmanship. He has learned to encourage his teammates when they have a good game or bad game. Plus he has gained many friends with this sport,” said Lisa Mingle.
When asked what he is looking forward to over his last few months of high school, Mingle said he can’t wait to walk at graduation.
“I want to ride on a big firetruck in a parade and play the loud sirens,” said Mingle.
Mike said that after high school he will miss all his teachers, Mrs. Davis, Tech Department staff member Rusty Davis, and High School Principal Chad Packer the most.
“Michael is the young man he has grown to be. He is kind and polite, and he is accepting of everybody. He does not discriminate, he just loves life,” said Lisa Mingle.