The Lady Eagles advanced their record to 11-11 on Friday, February 7th against the Lady Red Raiders.
The first time the teams faced off the Lady Eagles took the game 60-20. This time around, the score was 64-21.
With a strong start from the Lady Eagles, the score at the end of the first quarter was 17-4, and going into halftime the score was 45-7.
Head Coach Mike Whitling thought that the game was one of the best games that they had played all season.
“I thought this was one of our best games yet for playing like a team. We passed well and found the open player more in this game which was great to see. This has given me a lot of confidence as we get closer to playoffs,” said Whitling.
Junior Alayna Woomer thinks that they “played well as a team and it was a good win to advance our record.”
The lead scorer was freshman Lola Woomer with 23 points, junior Alayna Woomer with 12 points, and senior Alayna Greene with 11 points.
Tyrone(64)- L.Woomer 8 4-7 23, A. Greene 3 5-8 11, A.Woomer 6 0-1 12, L. Ammerman 0 1-2 1, O. Newlin 0 1-2 1, B. Parker 3 0-0 6, C. Lehman 1 0-0 2, G. Naylor 1 0-0 2, E. Volders 1 2-3 4.
Tyrone 17 28 17 2-64