Ignorance May Be Bliss, But Knowledge Will Always Be Power


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Each week Eagle Eye writer Noah Taylor explores a different aspect of the “human condition.”

The bliss of ignorance. It encompasses society like a dense smog and poisons the minds of the individuals in said society. While I can’t say that I have entirely removed the sense of ignorance we are all innately born with, I can say that I have identified ignorance as a sociocultural issue to the point in which I can begin to adopt an all around improved worldview.

Throughout my 18 years of life, I’ve gone through drastically molding events that have left me better defined as a person, and I would be willing to bet that most could say the same for themselves in whatever way they have perceived life, especially those who are of the same age demographic as I am.

As a species, we should seek out and devote our personal mental energy into self-enlightenment and truly come to a greater overall perspective of existence.

Lately, I’ve began to develop a very personalized way of thinking. While this could be chalked up to basic biology, in reality, it has been much more than that. In the simplest way to put it, I’ve found my place in the greater picture of the world. I’ve developed a heavy interest in philosophy, consciousness and the mind, and while no one has to do the same, this philosophical journey has guided me into a different plane of thinking, and as a whole, existence. This may all sound extremely far-fetched to some, but I plead that those, as well as others, may achieve some level of enlightenment from my words.

Now, I would like to preface the remainder of this piece with the fact that I am not trying to conform anyone to any manner of thinking, I simply implore those interested enough to read this to be welcoming of a more open and enlightening way of looking at the world.

While most do not choose to live with or even willingly accept ignorance into their lives, I’ve learned through the many lessons presented to me in my life that most will live a similar life, lacking their most capable understanding of their way in the world.

This is the goal, isn’t it?

The predestined interest of all people, to find our “place”. In today’s age, this search is often characterized perhaps by discovering a career path and financial stability, but to me, finding a true identity is much more than just living a successful life and being happy with the choices you’ve made along the way. The world is much deeper than the monotony of everyday life, and this can be challenged by simply asking, “why?”

Ask the bigger questions, don’t let society hinder your deeper understanding of the world and don’t accept absolutes as the end all, be all, rather, seek an understanding of the human mind and better understand people in all of their complexity. Simply put, enlighten yourself.

As a species, we should seek out and devote our personal mental energy into self-enlightenment and truly come to a greater overall perspective of existence. My individual piece of this journey hasn’t come to a conclusion however and I’m not sure it ever will, but I wish to encourage others to search for new ways of thinking while carrying on this path of internal acceptance of the greater concepts of our world.

So, please, do not allow human nature and the blissful ignorance that we are all introduced to at one point or another to detriment your psychological development.