Huntingdon Overthrows Tyrone Boys Soccer
Tyrone takes another fall, but this time against the Huntingdon Bearcats. An unwanted result of 11-0 leaves Tyrone in heartbreak. With the constant losses, Tyrone hoped to get their first win against the Bearcats, but unfortunately it did not turn out that way.
With an unbelievable number of eleven players, Tyrone definitely got worn out throughout the course of the game. Eleven players means there are no substitutes for the players on the field.
No matter the condition, not a single player from Tyrone could come off the field.
In the first eighteen minutes, Tyrone held their own by not conceding a single goal. With twenty-two minutes left in the first half, Huntingdon put one in the back of the net making the score 1-0.
Unfortunately, Huntingdon was not finished with Tyrone. They added four more points to the board.
5-0 was the halftime score.
After Tyrone went over what they were doing right, they then had to go over what they needed to improve on.
Their main focus and something they have been working on at practice is closing down space. Closing down space is eliminating the distance between you and an opposing player so that they do not receive the ball and make an opportunity out of it.
Tyrone did this for the most part, but the fatigue started to kick in in the second half which made it more and more difficult to close down space between.
In the second half, Tyrone set a goal to not concede any goals for the first twenty minutes of the game. This goal was set to beat their previous eighteen minute shutout in the first half.
The Bearcats got one early in the second half, and by doing this, it made the morale of the Golden Eagles go down.
This, on top of exhaustion, gave Huntingdon the perfect time to strike, and that’s exactly what they did. They put five more in the net, two of which were scored in the last 2 minutes of the game.
It’s fair to say that with the lack of players, Tyrone really had a hard time keeping Huntingdon from scoring. All the Tyrone boys can do is keep their head up and look forward.

Rocky Romani is a senior at Tyrone Area High School and is back for round four of his Eagle Eye membership. For the Eagle Eye, Rocky mainly covers sports...