HOSA Students Job Shadow at Mount Nittany Medical Center
The members of HOSA visited Mount Nittany hospital and picked career paths to learn about and get hands-on activity with their chosen field.
“Students can explore different medical tracks that could include behavioral health, surgical procedures, deliveries, and many more,” said HOSA advisor Christie Taylor.
In the morning, students were given an introduction to what they would be doing and the facilities they would be visiting.
“We had a tour of the hospital and learned about different career paths,” said TASD student Sarah Hoover.
After that everyone was shown a health career presentation showcasing the many different areas of the health work field. Students also learned about the privacy and confidentiality of patients and the hospital.
“My favorite part was the simulation manikin,” said Chesney Saltsgiver.
Then students could go into the field that they chose and learn about how that area of health ran in the hospital. Depending on their chosen field, students got to do things like learning about baby deliveries, behavioral health, what to do on a heart attack patient and other things that will help them in future health-related jobs. They also have other classes like learning about ambulances, visiting the ER, and the ICU.
“My favorite part of the trip was the micro lab,” said Holly Keller.
Finally, students were allowed to ask questions to all of the people they talked to in their chosen field from throughout the day.

Brayden Sloss is a senior at Tyrone Area High School and this is his 4th year in Eagle Eye. He plays on the Varsity Tyrone Soccer. In Brayden's spare time...