Hoover Named Valedictorian of the TAHS Class of 2019
Senior Emma Hoover was officially named the valedictorian of the Tyrone Area High School Class of 2019 yesterday afternoon.
According to Hoover, the honor is a dream come true and one that she has been working for since the beginning of her freshman year.
“This is a recognition of my hard work over the past four years,” said Hoover. “It is extra special for me though because it is a family thing.”
Emma’s older sister Taylor was the valedictorian of Tyrone’s Class of 2017.
The elder Hoover was pulling for her little sister to achieve this goal for herself. Taylor and Emma also have another sister, Sarah, who is currently a sophomore. All three spent much of their high school career at, or near, the top of their respective classes.
“Emma and Sarah both work really hard to do their best in school, and I couldn’t be prouder of both of them,” said older sister Taylor.
And now that the hard work has paid off, Emma is excited and relieved that she has reached the goal that she set for herself more than four years ago.
Hoover has definitely made her mark on the Tyrone community and the 2019 graduating class.
In addition to finishing at the top of her class, she has been the features editor for the Eagle Eye for two years. Athletically, she competed on the swim team for three years. She was also involved in several school clubs, including YAN and NHS. This year Emma is also the president of the POPS Extension show choir. She is a graduate of the Leadership Blair County youth program and was a member of the Woman to Woman Mentor Program. Every Christmas she rings the Salvation Army Bell for the National Honor Society. She has also volunteered for the YAN Halloween Night and 4D Movie Night every year of her high school career.
Hoover has also volunteered hundreds of hours of community service to St. Matthews Catholic Church in Tyrone, helping with vacation bible school, the annual church rodeo and many other church functions.
“Emma is so much more than just a good student. She has also been involved in her church, sports, music, clubs and many other extracurricular activities,” said Eagle Eye adviser Todd Cammarata. “Yes, she is a great student, but more important than that she is a kind and caring person who would do anything for anyone. I will definitely miss her.”
To people that don’t know her well, Emma’s academic and extracurricular success may look like it comes easy, but reaching this goal has not been without a lot of hard work, stress and restless nights.
According to Emma, one of her more challenging classes was her DE United States History with Mrs. Suzy Burket. Since history is not her primary academic interest, it took extra determination and lots of studying for her to maintain a high average in that class.
Burket appreciated the work that Emma put into the class and the example that she set for her peers.
“Emma is a very kind, gracious, and intelligent young lady whose success is rooted in consistent study and note-taking habits,” said Burket.
Hoover says that the honor of being valedictorian is special and something that she will carry with her beyond high school.
“It’s a honor, and it looks great on scholarship applications, as well as job applications,” said Emma Hoover.
Emma is doing more than just following in her big sister Taylor’s footsteps as valedictorian. She is also following her to Penn State in the fall.
Emma has been accepted into the same honors program at Penn State Altoona in which Taylor is currently enrolled.
The Penn State Honors Program is for students who show commitment to learning and have distinguished themselves academically in high school. Being accepted into this program is just one of Hoover’s many academic achievements, but one that she is also especially proud of.
While big sister Taylor is currently majoring in accounting, Emma plans to enter a two and two program for mechanical engineering. She will start at the Altoona campus for her freshman and sophomore year and transfer to the main campus for her final two undergraduate years.
And for those underclassmen striving to be at the top of their classes, Emma’s advice its to work hard and work honestly.
“Set your mind to your goals and don’t let anything stand in your way,” said Hoover. “Study lots but remember to maintain a balance so you do not get burned out.”
Emma wishes the best of luck to the underclassmen pursuing their academic goals.
Hoover and the Class of 2019 will officially graduate on Tuesday, June 4 at 7 pm in the Tyrone High School auditorium.

Hey there! My name is Grace LeGars and I am a junior for the 2018-2019 school year. This is my first year being a part of the Eagle Eye staff. I am a varsity...