Homecoming award changes to all senior format
With homecoming right around the corner, all of the clubs and sports are rushing to choose their nominees for homecoming queen and princess. However, there is one major change being made to homecoming this year that will affect who can and can’t be nominated as a nominee for homecoming.
This year, the homecoming queen and princess nominees may only be seniors. Juniors, sophomores, and freshman will not have the opportunity to be a nominee as a princess or queen.
Mrs. Martin, who spoke of these changes to the senior class says, “We’re going to have a traditional homecoming setup by only having seniors participate.”
“I don’t like that idea. I think everyone should have a chance,” said Junior Emily Romano.
Mrs. Martin thinks the changes will be good because “all the nominees get to participate, whereas in the past, only the top 5 nominees got to participate.”
When asked about how she believed the Tyrone freshmen, sophomores, and juniors would react to the changes, Martin replied, “Change is always hard for everybody, however this is how all the schools run their homecoming, and they’ll have their spot in the spotlight when they’re seniors.”

Karah is a Junior at TAHS. She runs track, goes snowboarding, loves to write, and her biggest passion is photography. She loves taking pictures of macros and...