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The 2024 Senior Homecoming Court
The 2024 Senior Homecoming Court
Anna Myers

Meet the 2024 TAHS Homecoming Court

Congratulations to these senior girls representing 28 sports,clubs, and activities at Tyrone Area High School!
Alivia Anderson
Alivia Anderson

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Corey and Jessica Anderson

Club/Team Nominated by: Eagle Eye

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, Student Council, Golden Revolution, and NHS

Future Plans: Attend college for nursing

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Grant Miller

Alexis Boozer
Alexis Boozer

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jessica Moore

Club/Team Nominated by: POPS Extension

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, Drama Club, and Cafe.

Future Plans: Move out of this town and go somewhere different. I want to explore the world.

The person you most admire: My Mom

Escort: Ethan Cooley

Makayla Briggs
Makayla Briggs

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Sara Briggs

Club/Team Nominated by: Marching Band

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Indoor Percussion and Jazz Band.

Future Plans: Become a preschool teacher.

The person you most admire: My Mom

Escort: Jasmine Walk

Lola Brown
Lola Brown

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Dave and Amanda Brown

Club/Team Nominated by: Concert Band

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Star-lite Dance, and Marching Band

Future Plans: Continuing my education in either the business or nursing field.

The person you most admire: My parents and my cousins Jamey and Josh

Escort: Phoebie Brown

Sophia Cowher
Sophia Cowher

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Shane and Kelly Cowher

Club/Team Nominated by: Swim team

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Cross Country, YAN, Golden Revolution, Student Council, and Prom Committee.

Future Plans: Attend college and major in elementary education.

The person you most admire: My parents and Mr. McNitt

Escort: Ethan Dasher

Kasey Daughenbaugh
Kasey Daughenbaugh

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Buddy and Kendra Daughenbaugh

Club/Team Nominated by: Cheerleading

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: HOSA, NHS, Prom Committee, and Student Council.

Future Plans: Attend college to gain my BSN and become a Nurse Anesthetist.

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Rhyse Hamp

Layna Dibert
Layna Dibert

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jim and Megan Dibert

Club/Team Nominated by: GACTC

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Softball, Prom Committee, Student Council, Competitive Cheerleading, and Golden Revolution

Future Plans: Attend college for forensic science and biology.

The person you most admire: My sisters Emma Dibert and Hailey Dum.

Escort: Austin Beamer

Lenelle Eades
Lenelle Eades

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Kristi and Michael Eades

Club/Team Nominated by: Aevidum

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Secretary of NHS, Student Council, Prom Committee, YAN, and Basketball.

Future Plans: Attend Penn State for pre-med, Attend John Hopkins for med school, and become a trauma surgeon.

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Landon Berry

Lily Eckley
Lily Eckley

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Julia Fasciano, Ernie Eckley

Club/Team Nominated by: All Eagles

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Cheerleading

Future Plans: Go to Penn State for a degree in early childhood education.

The person you most admire: My family

Escort: Caleb Lavanish

Destiny Fink
Destiny Fink

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Christine Carper and Jake Brower

Club/Team Nominated by: National Honor Society

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, Prom Committee, and Student Council.

Future Plans: Attend college, acquire a stable job, and be wealthy.

The person you most admire: Taylor Swift

Escort: Adam Ray

Lacie Geissinger
Lacie Geissinger

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Lisa and Lance Geissinger

Club/Team Nominated by: Color Gaurd

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Competitive Baton Twirling

Future Plans: I plan to attend college and major in early childhood education. I also plan to audition to be a twirler at college.

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Reilly Rawlings

Alayna Greene
Alayna Greene

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Tarin and Mike Greene

Club/Team Nominated by: Basketball

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: none

Future Plans: Go to South Hills to become a phlebotomist

The person you most admire: My mom and Aunt Tonia

Escort: Carter Gwinn

Lexi Hess
Lexi Hess

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Kyle and Jill Hess

Club/Team Nominated by: Prom Committee

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: National Honor Society, Eagle Eye News, Student Council, YAN, and Golden Revolution.

Future Plans: Attend South Hills for medical sonography

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Tytus Novak

Nora Hoy
Nora Hoy

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Phillip and Tiffany Hoy

Club/Team Nominated by: FFA

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: NHS, Main Street Dance Company, Huntingdon County Fair Queen Court, Huntingdon County Jr. Fairboard member.

Future Plans: Attend Penn State or Slippery Rock University to dual major in dance and environmental science.

The person you most admire: My family

Escort: none

Nevaeh Hollabaugh
Nevaeh Hollabaugh

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Samantha Warner, David Hollabaugh, Mel Taylor

Club/Team Nominated by: Concert Choir

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, NHS, Pops, Prom committee, and FFA.

Future Plans: Attend college, find a job, and buy a mansion.

The person you most admire: My friends and family

Escort: Kolton Plummer

Rose McKernan
Rose McKernan

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jen and Larry McKernan

Club/Team Nominated by: Drama Club

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: NHS, Pops Extension, Student Council, Aevidum, and Prom Committee.

Future Plans: Attend college for musical theatre

The person you most admire: My grandmother

Escort: Ryleigh Holmes

Taylan McGlynn
Taylan McGlynn

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Matt and Erin McGlynn

Club/Team Nominated by: Volleyball

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Track and YAN

Future Plans: Attend college for early childhood education and photography.

The person you most admire: My family and friends

Escort: Aiden Detwiler

Olivia McMonagle
Olivia McMonagle

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Joy Schandlemeier and Dave McMonagle

Club/Team Nominated by: Yearbook

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: NHS, Eagle Eye, Prom Committee, YAn, Student Council, and Cheered for the last 6 years competitively.

Future Plans: Attend college or a trade school to study marketing, sales, and/or business.

The person you most admire: My pappy

Escort: Dylan Ewing

Kylee Nelson
Kylee Nelson

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Lindsey and James Nelson

Club/Team Nominated by: Track and Field

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Volleyball and YAN

Future Plans: Attend the University of Pitt Johnstown for volleyball and track. To study business and pre-nutrition.

The person you most admire: My parents and coaches

Escort: Dylan McKinney

Mattison Rhoades
Mattison Rhoades

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Brittany Emery and Matt Rhoades

Club/Team Nominated by: HOSA

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: none

Future Plans: Go to college for nursing

The person you most admire: My dad

Escort: Jeremiah Blazer

Sophia Sciarrillo
Sophia Sciarrillo

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Meagan and Randy Sciarrillo

Club/Team Nominated by: YAN

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Student Council, Golden Revolution, and Prom Committee.

Future Plans: I plan on continuing my education, getting married, and raising a family.

The person you most admire: My sister Vivian

Escort: Rowan Moore

Samantha Shaw
Samantha Shaw

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Tim and Tami Shaw

Club/Team Nominated by: Softball

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, Student Council, Golden Revolution, and Prom Committee

Future Plans: Attend college and play softball while majoring in radiology to become a pediatric radiologist.

The person you most admire: My older sisters

Escort: Wyatt Kustenbauder

Emily Stine
Emily Stine

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jennifer Barto, Thomas Stine

Club/Team Nominated by: Student Council

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: YAN, Prom Committee, and Golden Revolution.

Future Plans: Major in biology and get my masters at a physician’s assistant program.

The person you most admire: My mom

Escort: Brienn Jones

Cami Weyer
Cami Weyer

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Mike and Jackie Weyer

Club/Team Nominated by: Golden Revolution

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Tennis, Student Council, YAN, Aevidum, and Prom Committee.

Future Plans: Attend college

The person you most admire: My mom

Escort: Mike Mingle

Lily Whited
Lily Whited

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Brian and Dawn Whited

Club/Team Nominated by: Jazz Band

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: NHS, Indoor Percussion, Indoor Guard, Marching Band, and Speech team.

Future Plans: I plan to go to college, and study in the field of microbiology.

The person you most admire: My mom and dad

Escort: Eli Richardson

Hayden White
Hayden White

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Yvonne and Rich White

Club/Team Nominated by: Soccer

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Student Council, YAN, Prom Committee, and Pops.

Future Plans: Attend Penn State to become a biomedical engineer

The person you most admire: My Aunt and Uncle

Escort: Evan Chichester

Emma Witkamp
Emma Witkamp

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jennifer and Niels Witkamp

Club/Team Nominated by: Tennis

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Marching band, Jazz Band, Indoor Percussion, and NHS.

Future Plans: I plan on attending Juniata College and majoring in chemistry.

The person you most admire: My mom

Escort: Bella Laird

Sarah Zimmerman
Sarah Zimmerman

Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name(s): Jess and Eric Zimmerman

Club/Team Nominated by: Quiz League

Other Clubs/ Sports Teams: Volleyball, FFA, and NHS.

Future Plans: Attend Penn State University to study kinesiology

The person you most admire: My parents

Escort: Avery Myers

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About the Contributors
Elexis Hess
Elexis Hess, Co-Editor in Chief
Lexi Hess is currently a senior at Tyrone Area High School. This is Lexi’s fourth year on the Tyrone Eagle Eye News team. She has an interest in writing a variety of stories. She is a studious student who takes her academics seriously. She is also involved in school by participating in clubs, such as the Student Council, Prom Committee, and NHS. She was accepted into South Hills School of Business and Technology and plans to attend there starting in fall 2025. She intends to study their Diagnostic Medical Sonography program for 3 years. This year, Lexi hopes to produce well-written articles and improve her skills in journalism and photography.
Alivia Anderson
Alivia Anderson, Co-Editor in Chief
Alivia Anderson is a senior in her fourth and final year of Eagle Eye! When not at school or hanging out with friends, she’s at the dance studio. Liv’s been dancing for 14 years and competing for 12. After this year, she plans on continuing to dance in college while also pursuing a career in nursing. She also wants to get back into writing more stories while continuing to take pictures for the Eagle Eye. Liv is very involved and keeps herself busy at school with YAN, Student Council, Golden Rev, National Honor Society, Prom Committee, and the senior class student representative. She hopes this last year in Eagle Eye will be the best!
Anna Myers
Anna Myers, Photo Editor
Anna Myers is a junior and the Photo Editor of Eagle Eye. This is her first year in Eagle Eye but hopes she can positively impact its staff and the community alike. Outside of school, she enjoys volunteering at a local animal shelter, drawing, painting, and playing video games with friends. She is a part of the Ski Club and is in the Aevidum core group. After high school, she hopes to major in mathematical science whether that be geoscience, chemistry, physics, or biology.