Harris, White and McNeel to Perform at Regional Chorus
Brent McNeel, Molly Harris and Ethan White
Three talented Tyrone vocalists will travel to Penn Cambria High School on February 28th for the annual Regional Chorus Festival.
Senior Molly Harris, junior Ethan White, and sophomore Brent McNeel have been working hard since the beginning of February to learn and perfect seven new pieces in their Regional folders.
“[They’ll need] to know every musical aspect of the choral folder including pitch, rhythm, diction, and dynamics,” said Mrs. Laura Harris, the Choral Director at Tyrone.
While singing for three days to prepare for the Regional concert on March 2nd at 7 pm at Penn Cambria, they will also be auditioning for State Chorus.
At District Chorus, the three students ranked as follows:
- Molly Harris- Soprano 1- rank #1
- Ethan White- Tenor 2- rank #2
- Brent McNeel- Bass 1- rank #11
“I was super excited [when I heard my name], I had so much fun [at Districts] and it was a great experience,” said McNeel.
Vocalists must rank in the top 12 for their voice part to qualify for Regional Chorus. To move on to States, they must rank in the top four at Regionals.
“I loved getting to spend time with people who love to sing as much as I do [at Districts]. I’m really hoping to make states,” said Molly Harris.
Both Molly Harris and White attended Regional Chorus last year at Curwensville.
“I was surprised [when I heard my name to move on], but I know Regionals will be difficult [like last year],” said White.
The pieces are very challenging and even require that the vocalists sing in several different languages. Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, and Austrian are among some of the different languages that they are required to learn how to sing.
“I am excited for the challenges that await me [at Regionals],” said McNeel.
Wish the three luck as they head to compete for State Chorus and sing for Regional Chorus.
“I wish our three Regional Chorus participants luck as they audition to move on to State Chorus and I know that they will all make Tyrone Proud!” said Mrs. Harris.

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Rep. Septimus Cornell IV of Mississippi • Feb 26, 2018 at 10:03 pm
This is outstanding! You guys make America proud!