Grandview Cemetery Looking for Student Workers

The Grandview Cemetery Association in Tyrone is looking for student workers to cut grass and help maintain the grounds at Grandview Cemetery this spring and summer.

Workers will be paid $8 an hour. Work will be on Saturdays until the end of the school year and the days will be flexible over the summer. 

Workers must be fit enough to run a trimmer and push mowers for several hours at a time.

“They only will work under our supervision and instruction. We show them how to run our trimmers and mowers, and  they are assigned an area of the cemetery to do independently,” said cemetery association member Brian Bressler.

Interested students should send their name, cell phone number, home phone, email address, and mailing address to Mr. McNitt via email at [email protected]

Mr. McNitt will then pass the list of names on to the GVCA who would contact them and set up employment.