Gail Brinkman, longtime cafeteria employee, retires with 35 years of service
After 35 years of service to the Tyrone Area School District, cafeteria employee Gail Brinkman retired this past December.
“I just felt that it was time,” said Brinkman, “I’ve enjoyed working with all the students over the years.”
Brinkman, a 1959 graduate of Tyrone High School, has three children and seven grandchildren that she plans to spend more time with after her retirement.
She began her long career with the Tyrone Area School District at the old Logan Elementary building. At her first job with the school district she only worked one hour a day. She later moved to the high school and finally back to the new elementary school when that building was opened. She has worked there since.
Brinkman always enjoyed seeing the kids on a daily basis and working with her fellow employees. She considers her co-workers her “second family,” and will miss them all.
“I love it when a student sees me on the ‘outside’ and calls me lunch lady,” said Brinkman.
Some of her co-workers were surprised to learn that Brinkman had decided to retire.
“We always thought Gail would be here forever! She will be missed. She is like a mom to all of us,” said Beth Tepsic, who works with Brinkman in the elementary school cafeteria.
“On cold winter mornings she would greet us with a warm sweater that she warmed up in the dryer and a hug,” said Tepsic, “Gail was always willing to help anyone with their job. She was always very dependable.”
Brinkman may be retiring, but that doesn’t mean she wont still be seen at the school and at school events from time to time.
“I plan on doing some sub work for the cafeteria and volunteer work for my church and the community,” said Brinkman. “I’ll also continue to sell tickets at district sporting events including football, basketball, and volleyball.”

My name is Noel Politza. Most people call me Dicky. I am a senior at Tyrone High. My favorite color is green and my favorite subjects are science and math....