Future of Tyrone Renaissance Foundation in Jeopardy

At the end of each marking period, many TAHS students look forward to the the ice cream sundae bar run by the TASD Renaissance Foundation.  

However, due to a lack of parent and community volunteers to serve on the Renaissance committee, the future of the ice cream bar and all other Renaissance sponsored activities are in jeopardy.

According to Middle School Renaissance Treasurer Peggy Cox, if the program does not get the needed support from the community the organization may need to dissolve.  The issue is on the agenda for tonight’s TASD school board meeting.

In addition to the ice cream sundae bar, Renaissance provides mini grants to teachers for special projects and field trips, prizes for the annual Eagle Eye Short Story Contest and the annual Eagle Eye March Madness Contest, the Reniassance Students of the Month program, the Teacher/Staff Member of the Month program, elementary book fairs, scholarships, and fundraisers to pay for field trips.

“To get involved would include only four meetings a year, with some emailing back and forth, setting up events, and possibly mailing local businesses for donations,” said Cox.

“For all they do for the district and its students they need help to keep the group running so they can continue to make the school more positive for everyone,” said senior Zack Webster.

“What many students and faculty alike don’t understand is just how much they do for TASD,” said TAHS special education director Jessica Anderson.

According to the current officers, Renaissance is in desperate need of parents and/or community members to join the organization and fill the officer positions.  If you are interested in helping, please contact Renaissance president Linda Branstetter at [email protected]