Name: Gavin Tuskovich
Eagle Eye: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
GT: I play soccer.
EE: What is the biggest transition from middle school to high school in your opinion?
GT: The work that you have to do.
EE: Who is someone you look up to? Why? (Athlete, Artist, Peer, etc)
GT: I look up to Ronaldo because he works hard.
EE: What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment?
GT: Playing in a playoff game.
EE: Which class is the most difficult? Why?
GT: Mr. Wilson’s class is the hardest because I don’t understand science.
EE: What is your favorite thing about being in high school so far?
GT: The classes because they are fun and interesting.
EE: Do you have any sports or extracurricular activities you are excited to participate in inside/outside of school?
GT: Soccer.
EE: What are your future goals?
GT: Play professional soccer.
EE: What advice would you give to next year’s freshmen?
GT: Do your work.