February GACTC Student of the Month: Bryan Kelly

Beverly Eirich

Bryan Kelly

Name: Bryan Kelly

Grade: 11

Program: Multimedia and Web Design

 GACTC Teacher Mrs.Kulik’s quote:

“This is Bryan’s first year at CTC. Most students start in ninth or 10th grade, and so he had his work cut out for him at the beginning of the year to play catch-up. He has more than exceeded my expectations.  He has created a lot of great work and works hard to hone his thinking and design skills.”

EE: Why did you choose this program?

BK: “Because it had a bunch of things that, I was already doing outside  of school.”

EE: What is your favorite GACTC memory? Why?

BK: “Whenever we made stop motions because I learned something completely new.”

EE: What do you like about the program that you’re in?

BK: “I like that I can do better at the things I know, learning new things, and making new friends.”

EE:  Do you have any advice for future GACTC students?

BK: “Just go with the program you best believe will reflect yourself and how you want to end up in the future.”

EE:  What are your post-graduation plans?

BK: “To work freelance in photography, videography, and design.”