Eagle Eye challenges Bellwood Blue Print to Instagram showdown
Tyrone challenges Bellwood to the social media version of the Back Yard Brawl!
The Tyrone Eagle Eye staff has challenged their rival online newspaper, The BA Blue Print, to an Instagram War.
The contest will last three weeks, ending on October 17th. The school with the most Instagram followers at the end of the three weeks will be named the winner.
This year the Eagle Eye is aiming to use social media to their advantage to get the word out about school events, share some of the great photography from the Eagle Eye staff, and recognize the contributions of Tyrone students and staff.
The Eagle Eye has had an Instagram account for a year, while the BA Blue Print just recently started their account.
“My students and I got this idea when we realized that Bellwood almost had the same number of followers as we did. The Eagle Eye is looking to win, but no one really ‘loses’ in this competition,” said Eagle Eye Advisor Todd Cammarata, “our main goal is to increase site traffic and visibility of both schools online student news sites.”
“Since we already have several shared sports teams, I think our students and communities should be aware of both websites,” said Cammarata.
Mr. Kerry Naylor, Bellwood teacher and B-A BluePrint adviser agrees that there are no losers in this ‘war.’
“It’s impossible to lose,” said Naylor in the B-A Blue Print, “either way we increase our outreach and come closer to our goal of completely covering the Bellwood-Antis School District. The Eagle Eye is an established publication and no joke, but we’ll give it a go. With the community’s help, we can win this battle.”
The schools have not decided on a prize yet, but when it comes to Bellwood vs. Tyrone, pride is enough of a prize.
To help the Eagle Eye win this competition, download the Instagram app and then search @TyroneEagleEye and click “follow.”
“The Eagle Eye currently has more likes and followers on Facebook and Twitter. Let’s go for all three Tyrone, and Beat Bellwood,” said Eagle Eye social media director Carrie Vance.

Hello! My name is Carrie Vance and I am the Social Media Director for the Eagle Eye. I am a senior at Tyrone High and this is my first year on the Eagle...