The Tyrone Area School District and the surrounding area are mourning the loss of a dear friend and prominent leader in the...
High School World Cultures teacher Tracy Redinger is known and loved by many of her students. Red teaches her students about...
The Cross Country team traveled to Indian Valley on Saturday, October 26 to compete a the PIAA District 6 Championship meet. Tyrone’s...
Heroes surround us on a day-to-day basis. They often go unnoticed because it's not like what's seen in the movies. These...
The Dairy Excellence Foundation hosted its annual day-long farm tour on October 17. The program allows high school students...
The Tyrone Area School District and the surrounding area are mourning the loss of a dear friend and prominent leader in the...
High School World Cultures teacher Tracy Redinger is known and loved by many of her students. Red teaches her students about...
The Cross Country team traveled to Indian Valley on Saturday, October 26 to compete a the PIAA District 6 Championship meet. Tyrone’s...
Heroes surround us on a day-to-day basis. They often go unnoticed because it's not like what's seen in the movies. These...
The Dairy Excellence Foundation hosted its annual day-long farm tour on October 17. The program allows high school students...