Congratulations to the Second Marking Period Middle School Renaissance Stars
First Row: Brooke McNeel, Lukas Walk, Madison Wineland, Chloe LaRosa, Emily Detwiler, Heather Osterhout, Jillian Williams, Rylee Walk, Ieshya Carroll Back Row: Ryan Vance, Chloe Makdad, Sam Woomer, Brendan Grazier, Jacob Price, Katelyn Adams Missing from picture: Amara Taylor
Each marking period, the Tyrone Middle School teachers are invited to nominate students as Renaissance Stars for contributing positively to the school community or going above and beyond in any area. For the second marking period, eight middle school students were named Renaissance Stars.
In fifth grade, Lukas Walk was chosen by Mrs. Burger.
“Lukas shines in the classroom, making him a perfect Renaissance Star candidate. He is always smiling and lights up the room with his positive attitude. Lukas never complains and is always ready to learn. He comes to class prepared, completes all of his assignments, and is respectful to everyone. If something is too difficult for Lukas, he perseveres to figure the problem out on his own, but also isn’t afraid to ask for assistance when necessary. Lukas is always willing to help both his peers and his teachers and tries his best at all times. For these reasons, Lukas is a perfect Renaissance Star nominee” said Mrs. Burger.
The Fifth Grade Team also nominated fifth grader Katelyn Adams.
“Katelyn has been an asset to fifth grade since day one of school this year. She follows the SOAR values in all areas: striving for success, observing safety, acting with integrity, and respecting all every moment of her day. Katelyn is helpful to adults and peers on a regular basis. She is a conscientious student who gives 110% all the time” said the fifth grade team. We are happy to nominate Katelyn as a Renaissance Star as she is already a star in 5th grade. Keep up the great work Katelyn!”
Sixth grader Chloe LaRosa was nominated by the Sixth Grade Team.
“Chloe is one of the most polite students we have in sixth grade. Her positive attitude is contagious to classmates as well as staff. I cannot remember a day that Chloe has walked in my room without a smile on her face! She is an extremely hard worker. There is never any late work issues with her. Everything is done correctly and on time! Chloe is also a very responsible young lady. If you give her a task to complete, you know it will get done correctly and without complaint! Chloe is a joy to have in the classroom. She brightens up everyone’s day with her attitude and personality,” said the Sixth Grade Team.
Amara Taylor was also chosen by the Sixth Grade Team.
“Amara is a kind student that works extremely hard each and every day she comes to school. She has a smile that can light up a room and she is extremely courteous and generous in helping her friends and peers. She always strives to complete work to the best of her ability, even when that work may be extremely challenging. Amara is a great role model for her peers as she is always demonstrating positive behavior in school. Amara is a great helper and has a lot to offer. She is a reason teachers wake up and come to work in the morning” said the Sixth Grade Team!
Rylee Walk, seventh grade, was nominated by the Seventh Grade Team.
“Rylee always has a smile on her face! She has a positive attitude that is contagious! Rylee is a student who cares about school and works hard to be successful. She is friendly and works well with others. She shares her ideas with her classmates to help further class discussions. Rylee is polite and respectful to everyone she meets. It is a pleasure to have Rylee in class” said The Seventh Grade Team.
Seventh grader Jillian Williams was chosen by the Seventh Grade Team.
“Jillian is a kind and caring person and a great student! Jillian is the president of Student Council. She leads the meetings well and is organized and dedicated. She is always willing to volunteer to help the organization. In class Jillian is a diligent student. The effort that Jillian puts into her school work is evident by its high quality, especially her National History Day project. Jillian is always willing to share her ideas and participate in class discussions. Jillian is polite and respectful to adults and students alike. She is a great example to her classmates” said the Seventh Grade Team.
Eighth grade student Brendan Grazier was chosen by the eighth grade team.
“Brendan was chosen because of his integrity and strong work ethic. He is a student who will work until he has succeeded and not settle for a job poorly done. He takes great pride in his work and will often go above and beyond to make sure that he has done all that he can on an assignment. In English class particularly, Brendan shows great focus and determination in his writing. While others might slide by with a “good enough”, he won’t stop until he knows that he has done his very best. In addition to his work ethic, Brendan acts with integrity in the classroom and sets an example for his peers to follow. He is an earnest and well-behaved student” said the Eighth Grade Team.
The eighth grade team also chose Madison Wineland.
“Madison is a star due to her contagious, positive personality. She is respectful to her peers and adults at all times. She takes pride in her work; classwork, homework, and projects. Madison worked long and hard on her National History Day project. She researched a topic that was of interest to her and went the extra mile while completing the project” said the Eighth Grade Team.

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