Channel T AM Announcements 12/9/13

Due to technical difficulties, there will be no Channel T AM Announcement video today.

Due to technical difficulties, the Channel T AM Announcements could not be posted to the Eagle Eye today, December 9, 2013.

Below is the text of the announcements that were made this morning:

  • All GACTC students should report to the library for the duration of the morning.
  • Attention all FBLA members attending the Regional Leadership Conference.  Due to the cancellation of multiple school’s in our region, including one with students in performance events, this evening’s Regional Leadership Conference is cancelled and will be moved to Tuesday, December 17.  We will have a meeting this week to discuss the movement of the conference to a new date.
  • A reminder to all students involved in the Christmas assembly: Please be aware of this weeks practice schedule and make every effort to attend your practices.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, will be a practice for the single ladies, WEDNESDAY will be Script #1, Thursday is practice for the Pedro Girls, and Friday will be Script #2.  If you need another copy of the practice schedule please stop by Mrs. Martins room for one, or check the sign outside her door.Also – any student that developed a Christmas video, they MUST be submitted by this Wednesday Dec 11.  So far Mr. Cammarata has only received one, but word on the street is that many more have been made – so what are you waiting for?? Post them on YOUTUBE and email the link to Mr. Cammarata ASAP!