Building Bridges: Tyrone Senior Leaves Her Mark at TAHS

Senior Morgan Bridges is one of the most involved but least recognized leaders in her class.  Often working behind the scenes, but always involved, there is hardly a club, activity or event that Morgan has not been a part of at Tyrone High School.

“Morgan is one of the hardest working students I know. I don’t think she gets enough recognition for what she does for this school,” said Eagle Eye News Adviser and civics teacher Todd Cammarata.

Bridges has been a member of the Eagle Eye staff for four years and was the Eagle Eye representative for Homecoming this year.

Never afraid to speak her mind, Bridges wrote several influential opinion articles in the Eagle Eye. She volunteered during the 2016 presidential campaign and even had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and take a selfie with former president Bill Clinton.

She’s been on the mock trial team for three years, and this is her second year as an attorney. The B team was the first in Tyrone history to move on to Districts after winning both of their first-round trials.

“Morgan provided the leadership needed for the B team for the past two seasons. Her experience was a key to the team’s success,” said Mock Trial adviser Mike Funicelli.

“I am so proud of my team. I couldn’t ask for a better team to make history with,” said Bridges.

Following her sophomore year, in 2016 Bridges was chosen to be Tyrone’s HOBY Ambassador and attended a summer program at Washington and Jefferson College. There she went to leadership seminars and team-building exercises. HOBY is dedicated to training and nurturing the young leaders of tomorrow.

Bridges has also been involved with the YAN Halloween event all four years of high school, helping out and taking photographs for the Eagle Eye.

“Morgan has made this school a better place for all of us. She never stops fighting for what she believes in and achieves anything she will set her mind to. She’s going to do so well in life,” said junior Ava McCracken.

This year, Bridges put her leadership skills to use for the good of the school as the driving force behind bringing back the Tyrone Homecoming Dance, an event that has not happened at Tyrone in many years.

“I was told during my junior year that no one would ever be able to bring the Homecoming Dance back to Tyrone,” said Bridges, “That just fueled my commitment to make this dance happen. The Homecoming Dance is something we’ve wanted to bring back for years, and with endless dedication, I was so proud to be able to work with a team to be able to bring the dance back to Tyrone.”

Morgan has also participated in the three musicals performed by the Tyrone Music Department.

In 2016 she was in the ensemble for A Night on Broadway. In 2017 she was also in the ensemble for Beauty and the Beast. This year, she is Granny in Into the Woods. She’s excited about this production because this is her first major role in a musical.

Add to that extensive list her involvement in Student Council, Renaissance, National Honor Society, and Golden Revolution and it is clear that her leadership and willingness to help will be missed.

After graduation, Bridges will attend the University of South Florida with a major in pre-law. Then she plans to go to law school at Stetson University.