Borough Council Discusses Stray Cats and Public Funding for the Library
At Tyrone’s monthly Borough Council Meeting on September 17th council addressed the problem of stray feral cats, a possible increase to the Tyrone-Snyder Public Library funding, and several other issues.
Borough resident Jonathan Holmes of West 18th Street reported on an abundance of stray feral cats around west 18th Street in Tyrone.
Although he said that the number of cats has decreased significantly, a neighbor apparently still feeds the stray cats.
Holmes stated that the cats are destroying property and that a cat which was captured had multiple diseases including feline HIV and Leukemia.
Some residents were concerned that the cats would be euthanized but according to Mayor Bill Latchford “Euthanasia is not going to be used [in this case.]”
The council discussed passing an ordinance that would prohibit feeding stray cats, along with a neuter and release program.
Jennifer Powell of Tyrone Snyder Public Library addressed the council with concerns about the library and asked for an increase in funding from the borough.
In asking for the funds, Powell regarded the library as “a place for community engagement.” She stated that last year the library had over 18,000 visits. She said that the library only receives public money to cover 38% of their expenses. The other 62% come from private events and fundraisers.
Powell also told a story of how a homeless man in Tyrone came to the library wanting to take the GED classes but didn’t have the money to do so. She said that the staff at the library came together and paid for the classes to get his GED.
In other business, council approved plans to repave Lincoln Avenue, Reservoir Drive, and several other streets and alleys. The Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. construction company won the bid for the street and alley program with a bid of $176,000.
Councilman David Snyder also thanked the fire department and council for their help during the recent flooding. It was also noted that Burger King donated to the flood recovery effort.
The borough also approved the lease renewal for the Tyrone Historical Society, the resignation of part-time police officer Ethan Yohn, who moved to another local police department, and Benjamin Johnson as a member of the Tyrone Fire Police.
Dates were also set for the following community events: The Halloween parade is scheduled for October 20th at 4pm and trick or treat will be October 25th from 6-8pm.

Hey bub, I am a senior (Big Cheese, I know) at Tyrone Area High School. Currently, I am a part of the Blair County Young Republican (unofficially) and...