‘Be Golden’ Staff Member of the Week: Mrs. Karen Railing

Mrs. Karen Raling was given the Be Golden Award this week by Mrs. Tiffany Johannides
The “Be Golden” Award is a new faculty and staff recognition program at the high school.
This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.
“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden, but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”
Last week the award went to Mrs. Tiffany Johannides.
She chose to give the award to Mrs. Karen Railing.
Mrs. Johannides Quote:
“As all of you are aware Karen Railing is an amazing friend, but I chose to give her this Golden Eagle because she is so much more than that. Each and every day Karen brings a smile and a positive attitude to work. She is polite and respectful in her interactions with others. She always goes the extra mile, whether it is for a student or co-worker. She is incredibly knowledgeable about computers, spreadsheets, scheduling and much, much more! She is willing to take on new tasks or extra work if it helps someone else. I can honestly say she makes each day better for those that are fortunate enough to come in contact with her. I am so fortunate that I get to work with her each and every day and I know many others at TAHS share this sentiment.”
Eagle Eye: What do you enjoy most about working at Tyrone?
Karen Railing: “Prior to coming to work at the high school, my experience was working with and for adults. When I first starting working at the high school it was a transition to have teenagers as my ‘customers’ and to be honest I was very much intimated. Now in my ninth year at the high school, I have come to love working with students and being part of the energy they bring to every day.”

Hi! My name is Ava McCracken. I am a senior this year and this is my third year in Eagle Eye. I’m number two on the tennis team, so I plan on writing...