‘Be Golden’ Staff Member Of The Week: Mr. David Hock
The “Be Golden” award is a faculty and staff recognition program at the high school. It is given to a teacher or staff that is making a difference at Tyrone!
This award is given weekly by a faculty/staff member to another faculty/staff member. Whoever receives the trophy on Friday is responsible for awarding it to someone else the following week. The only criteria are to give it to someone who has done something to make the school a better place.
“With the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative in our school, we want to not only recognize students for being golden but staff members as well,” said Shannon Davis, the award program coordinator. “This is a way to personally thank people we work with every day, but don’t always have the chance to show them how much they are appreciated.”
Last week the award went to paraprofessional Mr. Barry Herr
He chose to give the award to band teacher and director Mr. David Hock
Mr. Herr quote:
“I nominate Mr. Hock for the Golden Eagle Award because he is so involved with the students in the Marching Band, Concert Band, and with the Indoor Percussion every year, working with them to achieve many awards at their many competitions. He spends most of his summer vacation on the parking lot for band camp, traveling most Saturdays around the area to compete against other schools to give our students that pride of winning many awards for their hard work, and his. Helping to build our students confidence in the themselves that yes they can do it, and have done it. Thank you Mr. Hock for giving our students their confidence, and for being a good friend.”
The Eagle Eye interviewed Mr.Hock about being this week’s award winner:
Eagle Eye: Why did you go into education?
David Hock: “I really love making music and helping students make music together. I love working with students who really love music and want to learn and grow and it’s rewarding helping them achieve their goals.”
EE: What makes Tyrone a good place to work?
DH: “Tyrone is a small school. I grew up in a small school and I like an environment where everyone knows each other and works together. But Tyrone isn’t too small and it’s an excellent school with excellent teachers.”
EE: What is your favorite memory at Tyrone?
DH: “My favorite memories are of the marching band and indoor percussion students when they perform a great show and really connect with the music. When they have those moments it makes them feel good and I feel like I’ve helped them achieve something.”
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Luke Hite • Dec 5, 2019 at 10:23 am